Giorgia Meloni

Political Polls: Renzi and PD Show Positive Trends While Meloni and M5S Decline, and Salvini Struggles


Latest Political Survey by Swg

The recent political survey conducted by Swg, released on September 9 by Tg La7’s Enrico Mentana, paints a favorable picture for the center-left.
The opposition parties appear to gradually eat into the center-right’s support, which, notwithstanding the Sangiuliano affair, seems still steady.
The former minister resigned following concerns surrounding his connections with Maria Rosaria Boccia.

Fratelli d’Italia and Lega Trends

According to the survey, Fratelli d’Italia, led by Giorgia Meloni, is experiencing a slight decline, yet still maintains a solid position above the psychological threshold of 30%, making it the leading political force in the country.

After a period of growth, Lega is again seeing a drop in voter intentions.
Matteo Salvini’s party is now far from its glory days, and the upcoming Federal Council in autumn will be decisive for the party, especially with Roberto Vannacci’s potential split being temporarily set aside.

Forza Italia Sees Gains

This decline for Lega places Forza Italia ahead once more, as the party makes small strides towards reaching the double-digit mark in voting intentions.

Despite negative indications for both Meloni and Salvini, the survey suggests that the government still appears to be in good health.
However, significant challenges loom on the horizon, particularly the crafting of the 2025 Budget Law.

The Opposition Landscape

On the opposition front, the Swg survey signals a rebound for the Democratic Party (PD) after a summer marked by negative trends.
Yet, a considerable gap still exists between Elly Schlein and Giorgia Meloni.
Upcoming elections in three regions: Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, and Umbria will serve as a crucial test.

The Movimento 5 Stelle shows a slight decline, plagued by internal strife that undermines their ability to effectively oppose the government during critical times.

Emergence of Green-Left Alliance

In contrast, the Alliance of Green and Left continues to perform well in surveys, maintaining healthy levels reminiscent of the European elections, despite lacking a definitive leader, a key element in modern politics.

Rise of Italia Viva

Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva has also seen an uptick in voter intentions post the departure of Luigi Marattin and other members.
Renzi now finds himself closer to the coveted 3% threshold, which is currently surpassed by Azione.

Meanwhile, both +Europa and Pace Terra Dignità are distancing themselves from the 3% mark, with potential hopes of securing parliamentary representation contingent upon alliances with other political groups.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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