Giorgia Meloni

Political polls, M5s and Meloni are bad: Pd and Calenda are growing, Salvini ok

The latest political survey by Swg – announced on 11 March by Enrico Mentana's La7 news program – arrived at a time when the results of the regional elections in Abruzzo where Marco Marsilio, outgoing centre-right president, are already known for several hours was reconfirmed with 53.5% of the votes.
Fratelli d'Italia which in Abruzzo was the most voted list, according to the survey, however, it would once again be in decline at a national level although still the leading political force in the country by a distance.
Giorgia Meloni was thus able to breathe a sigh of relief with the victory in Abruzzo, given that a debacle after the defeat in Sardinia could have put the government majority in difficulty.
Meloni in particular can be happy for having defeated the so-called broad camp of the centre-left in Abruzzo, given by the average of last week's political polls as clearly ahead of the centre-right.
Remaining within the majority, there are signs of awakening on the part of Matteo Salvini with the League showing an increase in voting intentions compared to last week.
Forza Italia, on the other hand, is stable after a period of growth in the polls.
read also Abruzzo elections: what changes for the government and the left with Marsilio's victory Political polls: PD does well, 5 Stars crash The outcome of the regional elections in Abruzzo has dampened the enthusiasm in the centre-left, with the broad field preparing to return to the bench.
However, the latest political survey by SWG would see the Democratic Party growing and now closer to Giorgia Meloni.
However, there was a slip-up for the 5 Star Movement, with Giuseppe Conte defining the result of the Five Star Movement in the elections in Abruzzo as "modest", a region where the Grillini did very well in the latest elections.
A step backwards also for the Green-Left Alliance, with the red-greens still remaining above the 4% threshold valid for the European elections.
Shares were also above the bar and according to the survey they improved by 0.2% compared to last week.
Carlo Calenda would thus be winning the personal challenge with his former ally Matteo Renzi, given that Italia Viva would not be able to get away from 3.1%.
Also below the threshold is +Europa which still has to choose who to ally with at the European elections.
All the other parties are further away, although according to the survey both the Popular Union and Sovereign and Popular Democracy are growing, while Italexit seems to be in decline after Paragone's farewell.
read also European elections 2024, everything you need to know: the complete guide

Author: Hermes A.I.

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