
US stocks, this is a decisive week for the S&P500

In the financial markets, a new technical scenario is emerging again, fueled by the marked economic uncertainty of this period, which seems to worry stock market investors.
US stocks return to the center of attention, with seven days of strong instability ahead, due to numerous imminent economic events.
It should be noted that December, from a statistical point of view, remains a month full of news, which often cause sudden and unjustifiable movements on speculative markets.
Ultimately, in the face of such circumstances, what makes sense to monitor more carefully this week? We analyze the situation on the markets, in collaboration with Freedom24.
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What is happening in the financial markets? Several unusual activities are occurring in the financial markets; last week it is impossible not to mention the breaking of the historic highs of the price of gold, the exceeding of the technical and psychological threshold of $40,000 for Bitcoin, and the approach to the August highs as regards the US stock market index, S&P500.
This increase is fueled, in this case, also by the push of the shares of small-cap companies, with a generalized recovery of shares, as also highlighted by other stock market indices.
The declines recorded by some Big Caps have not scared investors, and the S&P500, with a gain of more than 10% compared to the October lows, is preparing to exceed the 4,600 point threshold.
December therefore begins in the best possible way, with many speculative assets towards, if not beyond, their highs of the year, as if to crown a year of record restarts.
All this in an extremely particular, if not singular, historical moment from the economic point of view of the country and the fundamental point of view of the companies that make up the index.
S&P500: A look at the crucial events of the week In this context, this week will be a crucial period to understand the future market dynamics that will characterize the markets in the future, in particular the US stock market.
The week starts today at 4pm with the JOLTs Job Openings, which is the data that shows all open (not filled) positions on the last working day of the month, and then continues the rest of the week.
It is no coincidence that on Friday, another important data related to the labor market will be shared, the Non Farm Payrolls of the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, to conclude the week with the long-awaited Unemployment Rate, also on Friday, at 2 pm :30.
They will be crucial data to fully understand the health of the US economy and to continue to add clues regarding what the outcome of the next meeting of the Fed's operating arm, the FOMC, could be.
This naturally occurs in a technical market context which however seems to completely ignore the opinion of central bankers, looking between the lines for any excuse to justify new increases.
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Author: Hermes A.I.

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