Elezioni europee 2024

Who to vote for in the European elections? A comparison of party programs

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS 2024: What are the Main Proposals?

As the European elections approach, many voters are still undecided on who to vote for.
To help those who are unsure and unaware of the electoral programs, here is a comparison of the main proposals put forward by the parties:


Fratelli d’Italia focuses on preventing and resolving conflicts for a just peace in Ukraine and the Middle East.
The Pd emphasizes a peaceful resolution based on international law.
The M5s advocates for peace without sending new weapons.
The Lega supports Ukraine’s defense rights with diplomatic efforts.
Forza Italia stands for supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty.
Stati Uniti d’Europa aims to assist Ukraine with new resources.
Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra calls for a ceasefire and negotiation.
Azione highlights the importance of supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression.
Pace Terra Dignità advocates for ending arms shipments and reaching a democratic peace agreement.
Libertà promotes peace agreements over sending weapons.


Fratelli d’Italia proposes a common industrial defense policy within a European framework.
The Pd suggests the establishment of European Civilian Peace Corps.
The M5s advocates for a common European defense as a peacekeeping tool.
The Lega opposes the creation of a European army.
Forza Italia supports a Common Defense for a self-sufficient Europe.
Stati Uniti d’Europa calls for a unified European defense.
Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra aims to reject war as a means of resolving international disputes.
Azione favors a European defense union.
Pace Terra Dignità stresses the need for EU Parliament involvement in foreign policy decisions.
Libertà supports a non-belligerent Italy.


Fratelli d’Italia focuses on reforming the Cohesion Policy for a more efficient fund allocation.
The Pd aims to strengthen the European budget and Parliament.
M5s suggests a European referendum initiative.
Lega aims to cancel the Green Homes directive.
Forza Italia proposes the direct election of a “Premier/President of the Union”.
Stati Uniti d’Europa advocates for a closer integration towards a United States of Europe.
Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra supports a European minimum income directive.
Azione calls for abolishing unanimity voting in the Council.
Pace Terra Dignità proposes abolishing the Stability and Growth Pact.
Libertà promotes more autonomy for sovereign states.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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