Elezioni amministrative 2024

Verbania 2024 Elections: How to Vote – Dates, Times, and Candidates

Elections in Verbania 2024: What to Expect

The 2024 municipal elections in Verbania are on the horizon, with an interesting lineup of candidates and an innovative approach to the election process.
Let’s delve into the details of this upcoming political event.

Candidates and Primaries

As the current center-left mayor Silvia Marchionni has reached the end of her two consecutive terms, the Democratic Party is gearing up for primaries to select their candidate.
The contenders include Culture Councillor Riccardo Brezza and Chiara Fornara, the director of the Verbano social services consortium.
On the other side, the center-right is likely to field Giandomenico Albertella as their candidate, while Forza Italia seems inclined to support Mirella Cristina with Michael Immovilli also in the race.

Key Dates and Voting Details

The municipal elections in Verbania are set for Saturday, June 8, and Sunday, June 9, with polling stations open from 15:00 to 23:00 on Saturday and from 7:00 to 23:00 on Sunday.
Vote counting will begin on Monday, June 10.
Any potential runoff will take place on June 23 and 24.

Voting Procedures

During the municipal elections, voters have three options: voting for a party list and consequently the mayoral candidate, voting only for the mayoral candidate, or voting for a list and specifying the preferred councilor candidate.
Additionally, split voting is allowed, enabling voters to select a mayor from one list and support a different candidate from another list.
In Verbania, double gender preference is also permitted in municipalities with over 15,000 inhabitants.

Electoral Law

Verbania follows a majority electoral law for mayoral elections and a proportional system for councilor distribution.
In case no candidate secures an absolute majority, a runoff between the top two contenders will determine the mayor.
The winning mayor’s coalition will receive 60% of the seats, with the remainder distributed proportionally using the D’Hondt method.

Candidates and Affiliated Lists

Six candidates are vying for the mayoral position in Verbania, each supported by distinct party lists.
The 2019 elections resulted in a narrow victory for the center-left coalition, ensuring continuity in governance for the city.
As the political landscape evolves, this year’s elections promise excitement and significant outcomes.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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