Elezioni amministrative 2024

Reggio Emilia 2024 Elections: Massari Wins, Democratic Party Tops the List

Election Results in Reggio Emilia 2024

The 2024 mayoral election in Reggio Emilia resulted in a victory for Marco Massari, the center-left candidate, who defeated Giovanni Tarquini from the center-right with 56.05% of the votes.
The Progressive Democratic Party (Pd) was the most voted list with 39.41%, followed by Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d’Italia) with 15.36% and Tarquini Mayor (Tarquini Sindaco) with 8.82%.

Official Results

Here are the official results of the presidential candidates and lists in the 2024 Reggio Emilia elections.
The voter turnout was 60.82%, showing a decrease compared to 2019.
The voting count started at 2:00 PM on Monday 10th June and after tallying 160 out of 160 sections, the final results were as follows:

  • Fabrizio Aguzzoli (Coalizione Civica): 6.41% – 2 seats
  • Marco Massari (Pd, Azione, Massari Sindaco, Europa Verde e Possibile, M5s, Uniti per Reggio Emilia, Sic): 56.05% – 20 seats
  • Giuliana Reggio (Alleanza Civica): 1.21%
  • Vladimir Sabillon (Pane Pace Lavoro): 0.46%
  • Paola Soragni (Movimento Reggio Emilia): 1.71%
  • Giovanni Tarquini (FdI, Forza Italia, Lega, Tarquini Sindaco): 33.21% – 10 seats
  • Gianni Tasselli (Reagire): 0.94%

Marco Massari was elected as mayor in the first round of the elections.

Election Dates and Schedule

The 2024 Reggio Emilia municipal elections took place on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of June.
The polling stations were open on Saturday from 3 PM to 11 PM and on Sunday from 7 AM to 11 PM.
Vote counting for the first round started at 2:00 PM on Monday, June 10th.
In case of a runoff election, it is scheduled for Sunday, June 23rd, and Monday, June 24th.

Voting Process in Reggio Emilia

During the municipal elections in Reggio Emilia, voters have three options:

  1. Vote for a list, which includes the mayoral candidate
  2. Vote only for the mayoral candidate
  3. Vote for a list and specify a preferred council candidate

Split voting is allowed, allowing voters to choose a mayoral candidate from one party and a supporting list from another.
In larger municipalities like Reggio Emilia, voters can also give double gender preference when selecting council candidates.

Electoral Law and Candidates

The electoral law in Reggio Emilia follows a majority system for mayoral elections and proportional representation for councilors.
If no candidate achieves an absolute majority in the first round, a runoff is held between the top two candidates.
In case of a tie, the older candidate wins.

The winning party of the mayoral candidate receives 60% of the council seats.
The remaining seats are allocated proportionally using the D’Hondt method among parties surpassing a 3% threshold.
A total of 32 councilors, excluding the mayor, will be elected.
The 2024 elections witnessed a strong contest between the center-left coalition led by Marco Massari and the united center-right front supporting Giovanni Tarquini.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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