Local elections in Italy 2023

Elections: what is the risk of a scrutineer who doesn't show up?

What happens if we don't introduce ourselves as scrutineers? This is a very topical question given the many – and very important – electoral events that will take place in Italy in 2024.
In fact, in June there will be the European elections which, barring any surprises, will be combined with the first round of the administrative elections and the regional ones in Piedmont and Basilicata.
Also for the regional elections in February there will be voting in Sardinia and in March in Abruzzo, while in Umbria the polls will open in November.
Whether due to last-minute second thoughts or family issues, it may happen that a scrutineer may renounce the task assigned to him or that he finds himself unable to go to the polling station.
A case that recently exploded at the last municipal elections in Palermo, where voting operations were slowed down by the absence of several polling station presidents on the day of the vote.
So what to do in these cases? According to the legislation, here is how one can behave and above all what are the consequences for a scrutineer that failure to be present can entail.
read also How to be a scrutineer in elections The role of the scrutineer Being a scrutineer is a commitment with a strong civic value, which for many also translates into the possibility of being able to earn some extra money, which never hurts.
The fees vary depending on the type of elections in which one takes part: for administrative and political elections: 125 euros + 25 euros for any other contemporary election; for the European elections: 96 euros; for the Referendum: 104 euros + 22 euros for each simultaneous consultation.
To become a scrutineer, the procedure to follow is simple: you just need to meet some requirements (being of age; not having reached the age of 70; having Italian citizenship; having attended compulsory schools; being registered on the electoral lists of the Municipality), request by November 30th of each year, register – which is free and lasts for life – in the single register of polling station scrutineers and wait for the call.
We remind you that on the occasion of the 2022 political elections, the use of a surgical mask by scrutineers and polling station presidents will be mandatory, with the device having to be replaced every 4-6 hours and in any case every time it is damp or dirty or makes it difficult breathing.
But what do you have to do to give up the job? And what happens if we don't introduce ourselves as scrutineers? read also How much do scrutineers and polling station presidents earn for elections What happens if you don't show up as scrutineers for elections? For many people, after the initial enthusiasm, being a scrutineer can become a nuisance to avoid.
However, once you have been designated, going to the polling station as a scrutineer becomes mandatory, otherwise you face particularly high penalties.
Is there a procedure to follow if one intends to renounce the role of scrutineer? The answer is yes and it must be followed scrupulously if you want to avoid unpleasant consequences.
It is possible to say no to the assignment only in the presence of serious and justified reasons, communicating it to the municipal offices within 48 hours of notification.
The waiver form can be downloaded from the websites of all municipal administrations.
In this case the electoral office will replace the prevented individuals with voters included in the ranking of substitutes already drawn up on the occasion of the first appointments.
The appointment is notified "to interested parties no later than the third day before the elections" (as stated in article 6 of law 8 March 1989, n.95).
But in case of failure to communicate the impediment within the indicated times, what happens if you do not present yourself as scrutineers when the polling station is set up or when the vote opens? In this case, a fine of between 309 and 516 euros is incurred, as provided for by the decree of the President of the Republic of 16 May 1960, n.570, which establishes that: "Those who, being designated to the office of president , scrutineer or secretary, without justified reason refuse to hire him or are not present at the time of setting up the polling station, incur a fine ranging from 206 to 516 euros.
The members of the Office who without justified reason incur the same sanction reason they leave before the electoral operations are finished.
For the crimes envisaged by this article, very direct proceedings are carried out".
In order to avoid a heavy fine, it is therefore a good idea for each scrutineer to have a clear understanding of all the obligations he is required to comply with.
read also Scrutineers: how to renounce the nomination (form to fill in)

Author: Hermes A.I.

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