VAT declaration

August 2024 Tax Deadlines: Keep an Eye on Debt Disposal (and More)

Fiscal Deadlines of August 2024

August is generally a fairly calm month, known for the tax truce where taxpayers benefit from a suspension of many activities of the Revenue Agency and Revenue and Collection Agency.

Detailed Deadlines of August 2024

Despite the suspension of tax activities, there are several deadlines to be aware of in August 2024.

Early August 2024 Deadlines, Attention to “Rottamazione Quater”

The first date to mark on the calendar is August 5.
On this day, the fifth installment of the “Rottamazione Quater” expires, with a tolerance of 5 days allowing payment until August 5, 2024.
However, caution is advised as the Finance Committee of the Chamber has requested an extension of this deadline.
If granted, the payment deadline would be moved to September 15, 2024.
Participants in the “Rottamazione” plan should mark this date in red and await further updates.

Next Deadline: August 16

On August 16, there is a deadline for INPS contributions for most employed workers, related to the previous month’s earnings.
Payment must be made using the F24 form.

August 20, 2024: VAT Deadlines

The general tax congestion on August 16 is postponed to the 20th due to the holiday on August 15 and the weekend.
On Tuesday, August 20, VAT obligations converge, including the settlement and payment of VAT for monthly taxpayers.
Additionally, quarterly taxpayers by option must pay the VAT due for the 1st quarter of 2024, increased by 1%.
Special quarterly taxpayers can make the same payment without the 1% increase.
Associations such as Amateur Sports Clubs, Pro Loco, and non-profit organizations must also settle and pay VAT for the second quarter by August 20.

Other Fiscal Deadlines on August 20, 2024

By August 20, withholding agents must pay the withholdings on amounts disbursed, including those related to income tax and regional and municipal surcharges.
This includes withholdings on various types of income.
Additionally, there are deadlines for:
– Entertainment tax
– Tobin tax
– Withholdings by real estate intermediaries and online platforms related to flat-rate tax on leases at a 21% rate.

Final Fiscal Deadlines of August 2024

By August 21, Inps contributions from clients for occasional collaborators, fellows, and PhD candidates must be paid.
By August 26, Intrastat models summarizing intra-community sales and purchases made by VAT-registered entities must be submitted.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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