Datore di lavoro

No Certification, No Pay: Consequences for Employees without Electronic Health Certificates

What are the consequences of being absent due to illness without sending the medical certificate?

When an employee is absent due to illness, there are several obligations to fulfill.
Notifying the employer in advance and being available during the tax inspections are among the most important.
Another crucial obligation is sending the medical certificate electronically.

It’s the responsibility of the doctor to send the certificate on behalf of the employee.
Therefore, it’s important to visit the clinic at the onset of the first symptoms, starting from the first day of absence due to illness.
Despite having various rights during the sick leave period, such as receiving a substitute allowance, which, thanks to the employer’s contribution, is not far from the usual salary, the focus should lie on the obligations.

Failure to comply with these obligations can lead to disciplinary sanctions, and in severe cases, even dismissal.
It’s crucial to address what the consequences are for an absent worker who fails to send the medical certificate electronically.
Neglecting this significant step can have serious repercussions, both in terms of discipline and towards the National Social Security Institute (INPS).

Disciplinary consequences for an absent worker without a medical certificate

There are significant repercussions for an employee on sick leave who doesn’t fulfill the obligation of communicating it.
This obligation is met in two different stages: first, the communication must be made immediately when the illness occurs, even before visiting the doctor for the examination and the subsequent issuance of the certificate.
The sudden absence of the worker could cause a disruption in the company’s organization, emphasizing the need for timely communication.

Subsequently, the worker must visit the doctor, who may grant a few days of sick leave if deemed appropriate.
These days are indicated in the electronic sick leave certificate, which is sent directly to INPS and the employer.
Nevertheless, out of fairness towards the employer, it’s advisable to inform them of the certificate’s PUC code promptly.

Without the medical certificate and the necessary communications, disciplinary consequences are triggered for the worker.
In the absence of these conditions, the absence may be deemed unjustified, allowing the employer to apply the sanctions stipulated in the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCNL).
In many collective agreements, unjustified absence for more than 3 consecutive days can lead to dismissal for just cause.

Consequences involving INPS without a medical certificate

Another important consequence of not sending the electronic certificate is that INPS remains unaware of the worker’s illness.
Consequently, no compensation will be received from either INPS or the employer during the sick days.
As a result, there will be no salary for the sick days, nor will there be any recognition of contributory benefits.

In conclusion, sending the medical certificate electronically is a fundamental obligation for workers on sick leave.
Failing to comply with this obligation can have both disciplinary consequences, with the risk of sanctions or even dismissal, and economic consequences, such as losing the sickness allowance.
It’s essential for workers to scrupulously follow the prescribed procedures for communicating illness and sending the medical certificate to protect their rights and avoid penalties.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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