
The Return of Covid: Should We Be Concerned?

The End of the Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic was officially declared over on May 5, 2023.
However, the virus that has plagued the world for over two years, causing over 7 million deaths, has not disappeared; it has simply become endemic, and we have since learned to live with it.

Current Covid-19 Situation

Currently, there is concern in the United States about the rise in Covid cases, with numbers dramatically increasing.
Italy is also experiencing a surge, although the healthcare situation is fortunately completely under control.
Some speak of a sort of mini-summer wave of Covid in Italy, with the elderly and vulnerable at greater risk, as evidenced by the 33 virus-related deaths recorded in the last week.

From July 4 to 10, Italy reported 5,503 new Covid cases, compared to 3,855 the previous week.
These numbers are likely underestimated, as few people undergo testing when symptoms appear.
The new KP.3 and LB.1 variants have symptoms similar to the flu: cough, sore throat, fever, and muscle aches.

Global Concerns and Recommendations

In the United States, where there is also high attention to avian flu, cases have increased by 25% in the last week, a trend seen in other countries as well.
Even with these new variants, the advice remains the same: concern should be based on individual medical circumstances.
The virus continues to be lethal, primarily affecting the most vulnerable.

Special caution is advised for the elderly, immunocompromised individuals, and those with underlying health conditions such as heart, lung, kidney diseases, among others.
Vaccination boosters are recommended for these groups.

To safeguard one’s health and that of loved ones, experts recommend wearing masks on public transport and in crowded places.
A rapid test before visiting a vulnerable person can reduce the risk of transmission.
As we move past the pandemic, people have resumed their lives, treating Covid-19 like any other respiratory virus, balancing social activities with precautions.


Living with Covid is now part of our reality.
However, it would be a mistake to forget the necessary precautions to protect the vulnerable.
The virus remains a threat, and the emergence of a more aggressive variant could prompt alarm bells once again.
Vigilance and preventive measures are key in our ongoing battle against Covid.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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