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The Most Challenging and Lengthy Universities and Degrees in Italy

The Toughest and Longest Universities in 2024

Many students wonder which universities pose the greatest challenges in 2024, especially after completing their high school exams.
After the 2024 high school graduation, it’s time for young adults to think about their future career paths.
Those who decide to pursue further studies face the delicate task of choosing the most suitable university faculty – a decision that is not always straightforward.
Before enrolling at a university, students should consider various factors such as their financial capabilities, study habits, favorite subjects, and more.
Some students even take into account the perceived “difficulty” of the academic path, fearing getting “trapped” in a particularly challenging degree program.
While each academic journey is personal and unique, studies over the years have tried to identify which universities are considered the most difficult.
But does it really make sense to compare the difficulty of one course to another in 2024? It is interesting to understand the criteria used to identify the “toughest” faculties, always keeping in mind that every university path requires dedication and effort.

Criteria for Identifying the Most Challenging Faculties

Although the perceived difficulty of a study program is not the best indicator for choosing the right university for one’s needs, a study conducted by Durham University in the UK provides criteria for distinguishing between easy and difficult faculties.
These criteria include:
– Percentage of low grades
– Exam pass rates
– Average grades
– Percentage of students on academic probation

It is crucial for students not to be discouraged, but rather follow their passions and inclinations.
The actual difficulty of a faculty is influenced by subjective factors such as:
– Study habits and academic performance
– Personal/professional goals
– Financial resources

Furthermore, upon enrollment, it is important for students not to be intimidated by a significant factor: performance.
University exams may be different from high school, and it’s important not to see grades merely as indicators of one’s knowledge.
A low grade can be an opportunity to explore new study methods and approaches to different subjects.

The Most Challenging Universities in Italy 2024-2025

Commonly, the most challenging academic paths in Italy are within scientific faculties.
According to the Durham University study, the toughest universities include:
– Faculty of medium-difficulty:
– Agricultural Chemistry Pharmacy

– Challenging faculties:
– Medicine Law Physics Mathematics Veterinary Engineering

In the field of engineering, specific disciplines like Aerospace Engineering, Physical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Electronics Engineering are considered particularly demanding according to data from AlmaLaurea.
Additionally, the single-cycle course in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, encompassing Biosciences and Drug Sciences, also ranks among the tough scientific disciplines.

Are Scientific Degrees Truly More Difficult?

While factors like entrance exams for restricted-access universities and compulsory attendance can contribute to the perceived difficulty of a study program, the criteria for determining the toughest faculty can be subjective.
For instance, controversies arise from data showing the percentage of students failing or on academic probation.
According to AlmaLaurea research, Law seems to be the most challenging faculty with 82% of students graduating late, while Medicine appears less demanding with only 18.5% of students facing delays – a debatable comparison.
In conclusion, while scientific faculties may be traditionally considered the most challenging, disciplines like Economics, Architecture, and even humanities courses such as Linguistics and Latin also pose significant challenges.
Each academic path requires dedication, and students should prioritize their passions as true allies for easing the study journey.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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