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San Lorenzo 2024: best spots and times to admire shooting stars today

The Magic Night of San Lorenzo: A Tradition Between Myth and Science

Today is August 10, 2024, the long-awaited night of San Lorenzo.
For years, both adults and children have been looking forward to this moment to gather together and watch the sky, competing to be the first to see a shooting star and make a small wish.

Although nowadays meteorological knowledge tells us that this is not necessarily the best night to see shooting stars, nor are there any particular meanings in their cyclicity, it is nice to preserve this magic of summer evenings and look up at the sky.

The history of August shooting stars has very ancient roots, collecting traditions, legends, and varied symbolism over the centuries.
From religion to philosophy, passing through art, poetry, and astronomy, there are few branches that have remained indifferent to the passage of these meteors.

Considering that for the Catholic Church, August 10 is dedicated to San Lorenzo, a fact well known even outside the religious environment, it is worth remembering that there is a legend that tonight corresponds to the martyrdom of this Saint, perhaps killed with burning coals represented by the stars.
From a scientific point of view, the meteor shower is due to the particles and dust left behind by the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, crossed by the Earth precisely at this time of year.

Best Time to See Shooting Stars Today

The shower of shooting stars that characterizes this time of year generally ranges from August 10 to 14, with a peak date that varies.
August 10 has entered tradition due to a set of factors, including undoubtedly the dedication to San Lorenzo and the famous poem by Giovanni Pascoli, naturally X agosto.
From today onwards, any moment is good to see a “tear of San Lorenzo,” with the chances increasing especially during the night hours.

For tonight, it is advisable to look up at the sky starting from 10:00 PM.
The actual peak will be on the night between August 12 and 13, but the night of San Lorenzo, magical for all the memories and stories it evokes, this year could hold some surprises.
Tonight, in fact, the milky aura of the moon will not disturb the view and will allow for a clear observation of the passage of the luminous trails.

The moon will set shortly after midnight, so in the early hours of August 11, there will be some advantage in the observation.
This does not take away from the fact that the passage of the Perseids covers a much longer period, as reported by the Italian Astronomical Union, the meteor shower is active from July 15 to August 24, although the best moments will be very limited as always.

Until 4:00 AM, it will be possible to see the stars and, why not, make a wish as tradition dictates, for this night and those to come until the day before Ferragosto.

Where to Look to See the Perseids

The night of San Lorenzo 2024 is no exception: to see the shooting stars, one must choose open spaces immersed in nature, possibly on high ground far from the pollution of cities.
Not only smoke and smog prevent a clear observation of the sky, but in this case, it is also good to move away from the numerous light sources that could obstruct the view of the shooting stars.

To see the meteors, one should look towards the constellation of Perseus.
This is located to the northeast, below the constellation called Cassiopeia and recognizable thanks to its “W” or inverted “M” shape.
Just below, towards the horizon, is the constellation Perseus.
Alternatively, especially for those lying on a lawn or in the garden, it is advisable to remain focused on the center of the sky, the zenith.

Read also: How to Photograph Stars with Your Smartphone: Tips and Apps

Author: Hermes A.I.

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