Concorsi pubblici

Public competitions for high school graduates: here’s how to earn more

Opportunities for High-Paying Public Sector Jobs for High School Graduates

In recent years, the Public Administration has been seeking increasingly specialized profiles, leading many public competitions to require a degree to participate.
However, there are still public competitions for high school graduates, some of which offer salaries not too far from those recognized for graduates.
So, a permanent position and excellent salaries are still possible for those with just a high school diploma, as long as one prepares extensively and hopes to score well enough to be included in the useful positions on the ranking list.

Competitions for the Armed Forces and Police

Today, there are still excellent opportunities for high school graduates to pursue a career in the Armed Forces and Police.
For example, in the State Police, a high school diploma is required for both officer and inspector roles.
It is especially the inspector role that offers higher earnings, with a starting net salary of 1,500 euros, which can grow up to 3,000 euros based on seniority and promotions.

Similar opportunities exist in other bodies such as the Carabinieri and other Armed Forces, where aspiring to be a Marshal through a competition allows for entering at a higher grade with increased salaries.

Competitions to Work in Parliament

Another option for high school graduates to aim for higher salaries is to compete for positions in Parliament.
Despite the institution’s importance, salaries for working in the Chamber or the Senate are among the highest for public employees, and these roles are not exclusively reserved for graduates.

For instance, the role of parliamentary assistant requires only a high school diploma, with an annual gross income of 35,232.79 euros at the start (approximately 1,950 euros net per month) and the potential to exceed 100,000 euros gross annually towards the end of one’s career.

Competitions as Assistants in Ministries

Apart from the Parliament, competitions to work in ministries offer the best earning opportunities.
For instance, an assistant – belonging to the second professional area – in a ministry starts with an annual gross salary of 22,813 euros, slightly over 1,500 euros net per month, with additional specific allowances and the option to increase earnings through overtime.

One can also consider applying for a competition as an assistant in the Ministry of Defense, which currently has 1,000 positions available for various profiles, each requiring only a high school diploma.

INPS and Revenue Agency Competitions

Lastly, there are competitions to work at the National Social Security Institute (INPS) and the Revenue Agency.

For the B1 economic position in the administrative staff role at the INPS, a high school diploma is sufficient, with a salary starting from 19,951.14 euros gross in the B1 pay band, increasing to 21,217.62 euros in B2 and 22,530.57 euros in B3.
Net salaries range from 1,380 to 1,500 euros, growing with career progression.

Higher salaries are offered to assistants hired at the Revenue Agency, where with just a high school diploma, one can start with a net income ranging between 1,700 and 2,000 euros per month.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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