Bonus mamme

Does the mothers' bonus penalize female workers?

The Government has introduced the mother bonus, a measure dedicated to working mothers who can take advantage of a discount on social security contributions to be paid which, depending on their income, could be 2.19%, 3.19% or 9.19% up to to a maximum of 250 euros.
Positive news you might think.
It's a shame that behind this benefit lies such a danger that the mother's bonus does not bring a salary increase equal to the amount not paid for contributions.
The discovery was made by an analysis conducted by Fisac Cgil which developed a table with some case studies that show how the mother bonus is true, it exempts you from paying a part of contributions, but at the same time it raises the taxable amount which translates in a higher payment of the Irpef and therefore an increase in the pay slip which is not equal to the sum not withheld for social security purposes.
But not only.
As the gross income increases, the ISEE also increases, the indicator used to calculate the amount of the single allowance and other benefits.
The risk therefore is that the mother bonus could even be penalizing with a reduction in the amount of the single allowance.
The table drawn up by Fisac Cgil shows how a worker with children who has a gross income of 2,000 euros per month, despite a contribution exemption of 64 euros, however pays 15 euros more in Irpef and consequently will only get 49 euros in her pay slip.
Another case, working mother with a salary of 2,500 euros per month.
The contribution exemption will be 80 euros but the paycheck will only increase by 52.
Going up to a gross income of 3,000 euros, the contribution exemption will be a maximum of 250 euros, but in the paycheck the workers will only get 163 euros net.
As the salary increases further, the contribution exemption will always be 250 euros but in the pay slip the amount received will be even lower: 162 euros for salaries of 4,000 euros, 142 euros for those of 5,000 euros.
Family associations hope for an emergency measure that eliminates the negative side effects of this measure.
Mother's bonus: what it is and who is entitled to it The mother's bonus is a measure in favor of working women with a permanent contract and with at least two children.
For them, part of the social security contributions will be exempted with a maximum of 9.19% and up to 3,000 euros per year.
For those who have two children, the bonus is provided on an experimental basis only for 2024 and until the youngest child turns 10.
For those who have at least 3 children, the exemption is provided until 31 December 2026 and until the month of the youngest child's 18th birthday.
The exemption is aimed only at permanent employment relationships in the public and private sectors, including the agricultural sector.
read also 2024 mother bonus request form to download and deliver to the employer

Author: Hermes A.I.

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