bonus economico

Electricity bills bonus of 1,015 euros: who is entitled to it

Understanding Social Bonuses for Utility Bills

Many families experiencing economic hardship can benefit from social bonuses on utility bills, amounting to up to 1,015 euros.
These bonuses are designed to help low-income households cope with rising prices of essential services like electricity, water, and gas.

Who Qualifies for These Bonuses?

Social bonuses are not available to everyone but are subject to specific economic requirements, mainly based on the ISEE income threshold.
These bonuses are divided into three categories:

  • Electricity bonus
  • Gas bonus
  • Water bonus

Details of Each Bonus

The water bonus is granted based on the household’s ISEE value, entitling them to a certain amount of free cubic meters of water.
Conversely, the electricity and gas bonuses vary depending on various factors.

Electricity Bonus

The electricity bonus amount is tied to the ISEE value, capped at 9,530 euros.
For families with over four dependents and an ISEE up to 20,000 euros, the annual bonus amounts to 655.2 euros.
This amount fluctuates according to the family size.

Gas Bonus

The gas bonus is also for families with an ISEE up to 9,530 euros.
The amount varies based on family size, gas usage (water heating, cooking, heating), and climatic zone.
It changes quarterly to alleviate heavier winter bills due to increased heating usage.

The highest quarterly bonus, 90.09 euros, is for larger families using gas for various purposes in Zone D.
For smaller families or different usage scenarios, the bonus is lower.

Total Bonus Amount

For families meeting the criteria for both electricity and gas bonuses, the total annual bonus can reach 1,015.44 euros.
Additionally, there’s a water bonus based on daily water allocation per family member but not included in the sum due to varying water tariffs nationwide.

The water bonus covers services like water supply, sewage, and water treatment, ensuring families receive essential water quantities at no extra cost.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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