bonus economico

Bonus of 294 euros for those who suffer bereavement and lose a loved one

Bonus of 294 for those who lose a loved one and are grieving.
When a family member passes away, the first thing you have to face is certainly the pain that the loss causes.
Unfortunately, however, one cannot ignore dealing with the bureaucracy that a departure entails, with all the expenses associated with it.
Organize the funeral, the burial, the decorations in the church and also the choice of the final resting place in which the deceased will have to rest forever.
These are tasks that in such a difficult moment are often delegated to less close family members of the deceased, but the resulting expenses are almost always supported by the immediate family.
What not everyone knows, however, is that the State participates partly in these expenses with a sort of bonus that can reach up to 294.5 euros for each loved one who passes away.
Let's see what it is, the timing for obtaining the contribution and how to request it.
Bonus 294.5 euros for those who lose a loved one.
For each death, deductions are recognized from the Irpef for the person who incurred the expense, regardless of the level of parental relationship that linked him to the deceased.
Funeral expenses can be deducted at 19% on an amount not exceeding 1,550 euros.
This limit is intended to apply to each loved one for whom the burden is faced.
The maximum discount on Irpef that can be obtained is 294.5 euros for each family member for whom the expenses are incurred (this is 19% of 1,550 euros).
Let's take a practical example: if you incur funeral expenses of 2,000 euros for a deceased person, the maximum deductible expense remains set at 1,550 euros.
If different subjects bear the expenses, the deduction must be divided based on the share borne by each subject (the overall limit, in any case, must not exceed 1,550 euros and the total benefit of 294.5 euros must be divided among the subjects who bore the burden).
How does the expense fit into 730/2024? If you were the only one to bear the burden of funeral expenses, they will be reported in your pre-compiled 730.
However, if they are to be divided between multiple subjects, it is possible to indicate in the "share incurred" field the part of the expense incurred by the declarant, while in the "total amount" field the total expense incurred for the deceased person must be indicated (regardless of the distribution of the expenses among the subjects who participated in the expenditure).
This is to ensure that the Revenue Agency can calculate the deduction due also taking into account the total amount of the expense incurred.
On the basis of this information, the deductible amount will be calculated and will be included directly in Table E, line E8 – E10 code 14 in the percentage of expenditure incurred by each taxpayer.
read also pre-filled Form 730/2023: guide to modifying part E

Author: Hermes A.I.

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