
Beware of These 5 Highway Scams

Stay Safe on the Highways: Watch Out for These 5 Scams

As the summer approaches, millions of Italians will hit the road to reach their holiday destinations.
However, it’s important to be aware that highways will not only be crowded with tourists but also with thieves lurking around, ready to use new techniques to steal from unsuspecting drivers who often leave their personal belongings unattended inside their cars.

Highway Scams to Look Out For

In recent years, scams targeting drivers have been on the rise.
One of the most well-known is the “side mirror scam.” In this scheme, a ball is thrown near the car door to simulate a collision with a parked vehicle’s side mirror.
Subsequently, the driver is chased by the supposed owner of the damaged car, who demands immediate payment (typically around 100 euros) for the repair.
However, the truth is that no actual collision occurred, and the mirror was deliberately broken in advance.

On highways and fast-moving roads, different scams are employed to steal your personal belongings such as wallets, cell phones, glasses, or luggage.
One common ploy is to signal to the driver that something is wrong with their vehicle, often near gas stations, to force the unsuspecting victim to pull over.
This is where the thief’s accomplices come into play, swiftly grabbing valuables from the car as soon as the driver exits.

Another prevalent technique involves simulating a breakdown or issue on the highway, prompting the driver to stop and offer help.
While the driver is outside the vehicle, a thief sneaks in and steals valuable items.
Similarly, the “Italian scam” entails deflating one of the car’s tires while it is parked unattended.
When the owner returns and notices the flat tire, assuming it’s a puncture, they begin the replacement process.
Seizing the opportunity during the distraction, thieves break into the car and steal valuables.

Whenever exiting the vehicle due to an issue, it’s advisable to lock the car or store personal items in the glove compartment to prevent such thefts.

Lastly, another reported scam, particularly in France, involves motorists approached in parking lots by individuals feigning distress.
These scammers, speaking impeccable English, claim to have been robbed and left penniless, unable to return to their home country.
They request a loan from the unsuspecting victims, who, in the end, never recover the borrowed money.

Remember to always stay vigilant and cautious to avoid falling victim to these highway scams.
Safety should be a top priority when traveling, especially during the holiday season.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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