Auto Elettriche

€1,200 Bonus for Car Charging Stations: How to Get It

Sustainable Mobility with a €1,200 Bonus for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy has outlined criteria for obtaining a bonus for charging stations aimed at individuals and condominiums who decide to install systems for electric vehicle charging.

How to Get the €1,200 Bonus for Charging Stations in 2024

Italy is facilitating sustainable mobility to reduce environmental pollution.
In addition to incentives for purchasing electric and hybrid vehicles, there are €20 million funds allocated for the installation of home charging stations.

This solution allows for the convenient recharging of vehicles at home, especially when coupled with self-production of electric energy through photovoltaic systems, enabling free vehicle charging.

According to the decree, individuals can receive up to 80% of the expenses incurred for installing charging stations, up to a maximum of €1,500, which equates to €1,200.
For installations in condominiums, up to 80% of expenses up to €8,000 can be reimbursed, totaling €6,400.

The incentive applies to systems installed from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.

Expenses eligible for benefits include the purchase and installation of charging devices, electrical systems, necessary construction works, monitoring devices, design, safety, testing, and connection to the power grid via a new Point of Delivery activation.

Eligibility Criteria for Charging Stations

To access the fund, charging stations must meet specific criteria:

  • Be newly constructed and of standard power
  • Be located in Italian territory and on land fully available to the beneficiaries
  • Be implemented professionally and accompanied by a compliance statement

If installed by individuals, the charging stations must be solely available to them.
If installed in a condominium, they must be for collective use without access by external parties.

Each party can submit only one application, using online platforms accessible via:

  • Public Digital Identity System (SPID)
  • Electronic Identity Card (CIE)
  • National Service Card (CNS)

Currently, applications cannot be submitted.
The opening and closing dates of the application process will be communicated through the Ministry’s official website.

Within 90 days of the application deadline, the decree for granting and disbursing contributions will be published.
The funds will be paid in a lump sum to each beneficiary, managed by Invitalia.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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