Daniela Santanchè

Why Giorgia Meloni’s Government May Face a Crisis on October 11: Is a Cabinet Reshuffle Imminent?

Giorgia Meloni’s Delicate Situation at Palazzo Chigi

Giorgia Meloni is currently facing a particularly challenging period, possibly the most sensitive since she took office at Palazzo Chigi after the decisive victory of the center-right, bolstered by the surge of Fratelli d’Italia, in the general elections two years ago.

Despite the electoral program being largely unmet, especially regarding the most significant promises, recent political surveys indicate that Meloni maintains a firm position above the 30% approval threshold.

Concerns Over Political Challenges

However, the Prime Minister has been described as worried, not only due to the case involving Maria Rosaria Boccia and the alleged “secrets” she may have obtained during her relations with former minister Gennaro Sangiuliano but also due to the challenging budget law she must draft with limited financial resources.
Additionally, she faces the challenge of implementing around 12 billion euros in cuts necessary to address an infringement procedure that will require similar adjustments for the next seven years.

Furthermore, Daniela Santanchè is likely under significant pressure.
According to sources from Dagospia, on October 11, the Milan Prosecutor’s Office is expected to decide whether to indict the minister for aggravated fraud against INPS.

Potential Cabinet Reshuffle on the Horizon

With Raffaele Fitto poised to move to Brussels as a European commissioner, should he successfully pass the Euro-chamber exam, Meloni could soon find herself without two ministers from Fratelli d’Italia, prompting a delicate cabinet shake-up.

Gennaro Sangiuliano, entangled in controversy over his ties with Maria Rosaria Boccia, was the first minister from Meloni’s government to leave his post.
His replacement was swift, with technician Alessandro Giuli named as the new Minister of Culture.

Implications of Santanchè’s Legal Troubles

As the situation develops, Meloni may need to address a far more complex scenario on October 11.
Rumors suggest, as cited by Dagospia, that Daniela Santanchè’s indictment for aggravated fraud appears “inevitable.” This investigation concerns alleged irregularities in the management of COVID-19 redundancy funds, where 13 employees from Visibilia Editore and Visibilia Concessionaria reportedly continued to work while INPS paid over 126,000 euros, amounting to more than 20,000 hours, directly to employees or as compensation to the company.

Consequently, Santanchè, along with her partner Dimitri Kunz, risks facing charges that could lead to her resignation as Minister of Tourism.

The Impact on Government Stability

If Fitto’s appointment as a European commissioner gets the green light concurrently, Meloni would need to replace two ministers from her party.
Meanwhile, Matteo Salvini, also entangled in legal issues, is ever-watchful, and Forza Italia is eager to assert itself following notable electoral gains, potentially straining relationships within the governing coalition during this critical financial maneuvering period.

Ironically, it seems that the challenges for Giorgia Meloni might stem from internal party dynamics rather than external pressures.
More than conspiracies or presumed dossiers, a possible cabinet reshuffle could pose the real threat to destabilize the governing majority.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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