
Is Studying Medicine in Albania a Smart Choice? Costs and Steps to Consider

Upcoming National Medicine Ranking Update

On Wednesday, September 18, the first adjustment of the national ranking for the Faculty of Medicine is scheduled.
Aspiring medical students who took the entrance exam in recent months will find out if there are opportunities for enrollment.

Should they not secure a spot, students may need to consider alternative plans, such as studying Medicine abroad, particularly in Albania.
It’s important to emphasize that a degree obtained in Albania is recognized not just in Italy, but across all EU countries.

All degrees in Medicine and Dentistry earned abroad within the European Union are valid in Italy, provided a recognition application is submitted to the Ministry of Health.

Why Choose Albania for Medical Studies?

But why is Albania becoming a sought-after destination for Italian students? There are several reasons, including proximity and a lower cost of living compared to Italy.
An essential factor is the presence of a university in Albania that offers courses in Italian, easing the challenges of studying abroad.

Some believe the entrance exam in Albania is less difficult than in Italy, leading to higher chances of admission.
It should be noted that while the enrollment fees are usually higher than those at public Italian universities, the cost of living in Albania allows for a comfortable lifestyle on a smaller budget.

University of Tirana for Aspiring Medical Professionals

As previously mentioned, while other EU countries offer options for studying Medicine, Albania is particularly popular among Italian students today.

This success can be attributed to the “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” University, which collaborates with several Italian institutions, including University of Rome Tor Vergata and the University of Bari.
They provide programs that align with the curriculum taught in Italy, presented in the Italian language, effectively eliminating language barriers for students.

The entrance test is also conducted in Italian, covering subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, in addition to evaluating the high school curriculum.

Once enrolled, students study in Italian with Italian professors; however, students face challenges, such as the concentrated nature of lectures, as instructors often temporarily teach in Albania before returning to Italy.

Cost of Studying Medicine in Albania

Studying Medicine in Albania offers many advantages, but it is also relatively expensive.
Tuition fees for the “Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio” University for Medicine range from €8,000 to €10,000 per year, excluding living expenses.

However, living in Tirana is considerably cheaper than in other Italian cities, allowing students to save on overall living costs.
Thus, the total expenses for studying Medicine in Albania are comparable to those incurred by students attending university in expensive Italian cities like Milan or Rome.

How to Study Medicine in Albania

The first step is to register for the entrance exam via the university’s official website.
It is vital to note that enrollment for this academic year has already closed, making it an option for students interested in starting next year (applications are already available).

Accepted candidates must apply for recognition of their high school diploma obtained in Italy, contacting the Albanian Ministry of Education and Sports and providing copies of identification, the diploma, and school report cards.

After completing these steps, students can finally begin their medical studies.

Is it Worth Studying Medicine in Albania?

Studying Medicine in Albania can be a practical solution for students who don’t pass the exam in Italy and wish to avoid losing a year.
Moreover, studies in Albania could serve as a “temporary” solution: after the first year, students can reapply for admission in Italy to continue their studies.
Many opt for this route due to biases against degrees from Albania while others choose to stay.

Graduates from Albania can return to Italy, where their degree qualifies them to work as doctors without needing to convert their title or take additional exams.
However, remaining in Albania after graduation may not be the best option, as salaries for doctors, though adjusted for local living costs, are quite low.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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