
The Most Polluted Seas in Italy: Places You Should Avoid for a Swim

The State of Water Pollution in Italy in the Summer of 2024

As every year, surveys have been carried out throughout Italy for the 2024 bathing season to assess the conditions of the waters and the pollution levels.
The focus is on monitoring the presence of Escherichia coli and intestinal Enterococci, as indicators of sewer contamination.
Despite several false alarms, mainly triggered by heavy rainfall, which led to temporary bathing bans quickly lifted once the waters were deemed safe, there are still some restrictions in place.

The Most Polluted Seas in Italy Where You Should Avoid Swimming

This year, however, there is much to be pleased about as the quality of Italian waters is predominantly classified as excellent.
Specifically, 5,090 km of marine areas, equivalent to 95.6% of the monitored coast, have been rated with the best category in Europe.
Another 2.9% is classified as good, totaling 153 km, with only a minimal portion, 0.6%, falling into the sufficient quality category, accounting for approximately 32 km.
A slightly larger stretch is classified as poor quality, covering 44 km, corresponding to 0.8%.

The distribution is quite homogeneous across Italy, with all regions showing a very high percentage of excellent water quality in their marine areas.
Leading the pack, not for the first time, is Puglia with 99.7%, followed by Friuli Venezia Giulia with 99%, Sardinia with 98.4%, and Tuscany with 98.2%.
In all regions, marine bathing waters make up at least 90% of the total, with similar percentages for freshwater bodies like lakes and rivers.

Despite the excellent quality of Italian seas, mayors have once again had to issue specific ordinances this year to protect bathers from bacteria exposure.
Temporary bathing bans are currently in place in contaminated areas where swimming is not safe.
Below are the main restrictions, highlighting that they could be lifted during the summer if monitoring results are positive.

Region by Region Restrictions


This year, Liguria lost one sampling point due to a permanent bathing ban in Rapallo.
Overall, the bathing coast stretches for about 370 km, excluding the Foce Torrente Steria point in Cervo and, currently, two points in Bordighera (Depuratore and Foce Torrente), as well as a portion of the Sanremo coast.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

All temporary bathing bans in Friuli Venezia Giulia have been lifted.
However, there is still an ordinance prohibiting the direct human consumption of live bivalve mollusks caught in the lagoon waters due to salmonella presence.

Emilia Romagna

A temporary bathing ban has been issued in Punta Marina, specifically from the beginning of the breakwaters to the border with Lido Adriano, in the camping area.
This adds to the bans in Goro (in the area called Scanno Punto 100 m west of the Goro right Po dam) and in Rimini (in the Miramare-Rio Asse Nord area).


Despite the overall excellent sea quality in Lazio, there are several bathing bans due to pollution.
– Ardea: waters around the estuaries of streams and canals.
– Torvaianica: four beaches near the streams.
– Viterbo: four unsuitable areas, along with permanent bans.
– Lake Vico: some areas in Santa Marinella, Terracina, Sabaudia, Formia, Anzio.


In Abruzzo, bathing remains prohibited throughout the season at points in Ortona, 350 meters south of the Foro river mouth and 200 meters south of the Aielli river mouth, and in San Vito Chietino, 100 meters north of the Feltrino river mouth.


In Campania, there is a season-long bathing ban north of the Cuma sewage treatment plant in Pozzuoli.


Several Sicilian areas are under temporary restrictions, including the torrential estuaries in Messina, Capomulini, and some areas in Acitrezza in Catania.
There are also bans in some coves in Palermo, such as Vergine Maria and Sant’Elia in Santa Flavia.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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