
Rules to be Respected at the Beach: What is Prohibited

Rules to Respect at the Beach

Who doesn’t love the beach in summer? Whether it’s a simple family vacation or a fun time with friends, many people eagerly await this time of year.
However, like in any daily action, there are rules to be respected, imposed by the law to allow all citizens to enjoy the common good.
Here are some of the most important ones.

Fishing Bans

There are those who love fishing at the beach, and there is nothing forbidden about that.
However, it is crucial to pay close attention to the rules regarding licenses and specific municipal ordinances on fishing.
In general, it is important to remember not only to protect the protected species but also other marine inhabitants like starfish, seahorses, and jellyfish.
Collecting or harming them is punishable by imprisonment from 3 to 18 months and a fine ranging from 5,000 to 30,000 euros.

Collecting Sand, Shells, and Rocks

Surprisingly, there is a precise prohibition on collecting sand, shells, rocks, algae, and other goods from the seabed.
The consequences can lead to hefty fines.
However, playing with sand, shells, and other items is entirely permissible as long as they are left in their natural habitat, preserving the environment.

Beach Equipment and Facilities

Utilizing umbrellas, sunbeds, and towels is not a problem.
However, it is forbidden to reserve spaces as it is not possible to occupy areas of public domain.
It is strictly prohibited to block access to or use of the beach and the sea for other beachgoers.
Tents are allowed unless they take up excessive space and hinder beach access.
As for tables, local restrictions should be checked to avoid inconveniencing other beach visitors.

Smoking and Fires at the Beach

While smoking on the beach is not generally prohibited by national law, many beaches prohibit it indirectly (e.g., near children or pregnant women).
Moreover, leaving cigarette butts and any waste behind is strictly forbidden.
Lighting fires and bonfires is also not generally banned, but most municipalities prohibit it due to safety and pollution concerns.

Dogs and Animals

Pets, including dogs, can be taken to the beach following national and community safety regulations, such as leash requirements.
Some local ordinances may restrict dogs from certain beach areas, but valid reasons must be provided.

Beach Activities and Conduct

Beach games like ball sports are allowed as long as they do not disturb others or damage property.
However, some beaches may have specific bans on beach games.

Eating at the Beach

Bringing and consuming food and drinks at the beach is permitted.
However, visitors must ensure proper waste disposal, refrain from consuming outside food in beachside establishments, and eat in designated areas if required.

High-Volume Music

Listening to music without earphones at the beach is allowed, provided that the volume does not disturb others.
There is no set maximum volume level, as it depends on circumstances, environment, and customs.

Topless Sunbathing

Topless sunbathing is legal on most public beaches, unless accompanied by obscene behavior prohibited by the law.
Private beach clubs may have stricter rules, while public beaches should allow topless sunbathing unless specific regulations are in place.

Beach Flag System

The flag displayed by lifeguards indicating sea conditions serves as a safety measure for swimmers but does not impose legal limits.
There are no legal consequences for swimming under a red flag, but it endangers personal safety and that of the lifeguards and beachgoers ready to assist.
Swimming may be prohibited by the Harbor Master’s Office or the Municipality for environmental or citizen safety reasons.

Purchasing from Beach Vendors

Buying from beach vendors is legal, and customers are not obligated to verify licenses.
However, if the merchandise shows evident irregularities, the buyer may face legal consequences, ranging from fines for contributing to trade violations to charges of receiving stolen goods.
It all depends on the sales conditions and implications.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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