
Can I have two residences?

Can I have two residences? There are many Italian citizens who ask themselves this question, including those who spend time in two different cities depending on the period and want to be available and those who have dual citizenship.
The latter, however, is not directly connected to residence, they are different concepts.
Regarding availability to receive communications, however, it would be more appropriate to use a change of address, designed precisely for this purpose.
Can I have two residences? In Italy it is not possible to have two residences.
Residence, in fact, corresponds by definition to the habitual residence of a citizen.
The place where he lives and stays most of the time, regardless of whether he has vacation homes or works elsewhere.
It is true that residence is linked in some way to the Municipality in which it is registered, in particular with regard to: registration on the electoral list; the family doctor and the paediatrician of free choice; the jurisdiction of the courts; demographic services; registry certificates; the requirements for getting married or having a civil union.
For those who spend a lot of time away from their home there may therefore be some inconveniences, for example for visits to the doctor and voting.
Having a double residence, however, is not an acceptable solution.
It is therefore necessary to resort to other tools, also because the change of residence involves the cancellation of the previous one and the registration of the new one, which is in any case subject to checks.
Declaring two residences is therefore not feasible, moreover you must be careful to make the change correctly to the usual place (at risk of unavailability) and to always declare the truth.
read also False residence is a crime, here's what you risk Residence other than domicile The domicile often coincides with the registered residence, but not necessarily, since it indicates the main place of business and interests of the citizen.
You can therefore have your domicile in a place other than your place of residence, for example in your holiday home or where you work.
The domicile can be freely moved at any time and to any place chosen and, although it does not grant the rights due to residents, it allows you to be available and receive communications.
read also Residence and domicile, what is the difference and when do they coincide How to do it? Domicile allows you to be available and receive judicial documents, registered letters, documents and so on in a place other than your residence, but has nothing to do with registry services.
To request certificates, for example, it remains essential to contact the Municipality where the residence has been established, even if there are usually practical online procedures without the need for physical presence.
As regards the healthcare system, citizens can benefit from treatment and purchase medicines paid for by the NHS throughout the national territory.
Visits to the family doctor and pediatrician of free choice, however, must be paid if they take place in a place other than the place of residence (precisely because without the latter it is not possible to elect one or the other).
Paying is not the only alternative, since in the presence of proven reasons for work, health, study or even long holidays it is possible to request to be able to choose a family doctor and/or a pediatrician of free choice in a place other than that of residence.
Italians living abroad Italian citizens who must reside abroad for more than 12 months can register with the Aire (Register of Italians residing abroad), so as to be able to benefit from the services provided by consular representations and some fundamental rights .
Among the latter: postal voting, the renewal of driving licenses outside the European Union, the renewal of identity and travel documents.
This does not involve moving the tax domicile, provided that the interests and profession remain predominantly in Italy, where it will therefore be necessary to pay taxes and duties.
read also When it is mandatory to change residence

Author: Hermes A.I.

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