Vaccini obbligatori

Why Kansas sued Pfizer

The Legal Battle Between Kansas and Pfizer

The state of Kansas has taken legal action against Pfizer regarding its communication surrounding the Covid-19 vaccine.
Attorney General Kris Kobach initiated the lawsuit, accusing the pharmaceutical company of deceptive practices in a time of widespread panic and anxiety during the Covid era, which led to a rush decision-making process for individuals facing the choice of vaccination.

During a press conference announcing the legal action against Pfizer, Kobach was direct in his criticism, stating, “Consumers should not be misled, especially when making such a delicate and urgent decision under the impression that their lives are at stake.”

The Kansas lawsuit follows a similar path set by an organization that filed a 69-page complaint against Pfizer, invoking the Freedom of Information Act.
This detailed complaint served as inspiration for Attorney General Kobach, who highlighted four significant elements.

Adverse Effects in Pregnancy

One concern addressed the safety of the Covid vaccine for pregnant women.
Kobach mentioned that in February 2021, Pfizer had reports of 458 pregnant women vaccinated, with over half experiencing adverse events and more than 10% suffering miscarriages shortly after vaccination.

Myocarditis Risk

Another issue raised was the safety concern regarding the risk of myocarditis.
While Pfizer denied any correlation between the vaccine and heart inflammation, it was revealed that various governmental bodies had found such a link.

Doubts on Efficacy

Kobach questioned the vaccine’s efficacy against virus variants, noting discrepancies between Pfizer’s claims and available data at the time, suggesting lower effectiveness rates than initially stated.

Misleading Information, Silence, and Censorship

A core communication strategy employed to encourage vaccination was the protection of loved ones.
Pfizer initially implied the vaccine would halt virus transmission, later admitting this aspect was not thoroughly studied.
The company’s silence on side effects and alleged collaboration with social media platforms to censor critical content added to the lawsuit’s foundation.

Pfizer’s Defense

In response to the accusations, Pfizer emphasized its commitment to patient safety, maintaining that its vaccine claims were science-based and accurate.
The company highlighted its extensive global vaccination efforts and safety records, dismissing the Kansas allegations as unfounded.

Federal Shield

While several states, including Texas, join Kansas in legal actions against Pfizer, federal immunity shields vaccine manufacturers from liability claims related to vaccine administration.
However, Attorney General Kobach asserts that this shield does not absolve pharmaceutical companies from accountability for misleading the public, urging sanctions and compensation from Pfizer.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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