
This Italian City Has Banned Alcohol in the Evening

Alcohol Ban in Udine: Promoting Safety and Urban Revitalization

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but also for ensuring the safety and well-being of cities.
In 2024, alcohol consumption bans in the evening are being reintroduced, not with a prohibitionist purpose, but rather to prevent unpleasant incidents such as fights and reckless behaviors encouraged by alcohol abuse.
One Italian city that stands out for its commitment to urban safety is Udine, in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

The mayor of Udine, Alberto Felice De Toni, signed an ordinance on June 24, 2024, imposing restrictions on alcohol consumption in public places within the municipal territory.
The ban, communicated in advance to the Prefect, is already in effect for 30 days and can be extended for the following month.
The ordinance includes a set of rules tailored to different areas and needs.

Specifically, the sale of alcoholic beverages for takeaway is prohibited from 9:00 pm to 8:00 am throughout the municipal territory, affecting all licensed alcohol sellers (whether public, commercial, or artisanal), including convenience stores and vending machines.
In the Magnolie neighborhood, the ban starts as early as 6:00 pm, covering several key areas:

  • via Tullio;
  • piazzale Unità d’Italia;
  • piazza della Repubblica;
  • viale Leopardi;
  • via Croce;
  • via della Rosta;
  • viale Europa Unita;
  • viale delle Ferriere;
  • via De Rubeis;
  • via Nievo;
  • via Percoto;
  • via Battistig;
  • via Roma.

In addition to the restrictions on takeaway sales, the mayor has prohibited the exclusive sale of alcoholic beverages in pubs from 1:00 am to 8:00 am.
Moreover, in the Borgo Stazione neighborhood, a strict ban is in place: no alcohol consumption in public areas at any time, except in designated spaces.

While home delivery and alcohol service during approved temporary public events are allowed, those who violate the ordinance face fines ranging from €200 to €1,200.
Repeat offenders risk having their activities suspended.
Rigorous checks, community safety programs, public awareness campaigns by law enforcement, and territorial surveillance are being implemented to enforce these measures.

Alcohol Restrictions Across Italy

Local authorities have the power to issue ordinances restricting nighttime alcohol consumption to mitigate violence and accidents, similar to Udine’s approach.
It is essential to refer to the regulations in your municipality, province, or region, which may impose specific and temporary restrictions.

Furthermore, Article 53 of Law No.
120/2010 on road safety already limits the sale and service of alcoholic beverages.
Restrictions vary by zone and time, with service station alcohol sales restricted from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am for spirits and from 2:00 am to 6:00 am for lower alcohol content beverages (below 21%).

In nightclubs, the ban on selling and serving alcohol is from 3:00 am to 6:00 am, with establishments open past midnight required to provide breathalyzers.
Exceptions to these rules, including lighter restrictions, can be granted by the mayor only on August 15th and December 31st.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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