Olimpiadi Parigi 2024

Record-breaking heatwave to hit Italy and Europe this summer

The scorching summer of 2024 in Europe

Another scorching summer is knocking on Europe’s doors.
The summer of 2024 is expected to be even hotter than that of 2023.
While the official start of the summer season is yet to come, the first heatwave of the year hit southeastern Europe in early June.

Record-breaking temperatures

Meteorologists predict that Europe will experience above-average temperatures throughout June, July, and August, with a special focus on Southern Europe.
These forecasts are already being confirmed, with Greece reaching nearly 39°C, an all-time record since measurements began.
In Turkey, temperatures are 8-12°C above the seasonal average.

Long-term trend of heatwaves

According to NASA, these heatwaves are part of a long-term trend, considering that the last decade has been the hottest on record.
This alarming trend raises concerns as temperatures could further rise in the next three months, potentially exceeding the heat levels experienced in 2023.

Challenges for the 2024 Olympics

The scorching temperatures also pose a threat to the 2024 Olympics.
Organizers are making preparations to counter the dangers of the heat to protect athletes and spectators.
Measures are being taken to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the Paris Games.

Worrisome trends

Recent data released by Copernicus, the European Union’s meteorological service, paints a concerning picture.
May 2024 was recorded as the “hottest May ever” since scientific records began in the mid-1800s.
Moreover, 2023 and 2024 set another worrying record with 12 consecutive months of record-high global temperatures, surpassing the 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels set by the Paris Agreement and the Cop26 in Glasgow.

Extreme heat and climate change

The alarming scenario is a result of climate change, with its devastating consequences visible through extreme weather phenomena like droughts and floods, causing significant damage to infrastructure, economies, and human lives.

Risk to the Olympics

With concerns rising over climate change and rising temperatures, some fear for the immediate future of the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Starting on July 25, the Games coincide with the period when heatwaves are most likely to hit France.
Athletes might have to face their challenges during the hottest days, prompting preparations to ensure their well-being with technical aids.

Precautionary measures

The organizers are planning for extreme heat by holding twice-daily meetings to discuss potential modifications in case of extreme conditions.
New weather forecasts will be consulted ten days before the competitions to take all necessary precautions.
Measures are not only focused on protecting athletes’ health but also ensuring the well-being of spectators with shaded areas and water stations near the venues to prevent dehydration and sunstroke.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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