Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra

Political Surveys: Sharp Decline for Meloni and PD, M5s Soars, Calenda and AVS Struggle

Latest Ipsos Political Poll Reveals Surprising Trends

The most recent political survey conducted by Ipsos for the Corriere della Sera is the first to be published after the European elections, showing marked differences compared to the outcome of the recent vote.

One of the most striking changes is seen in the Five Star Movement, which performed poorly in the European elections with only 10% of the vote.
The latest survey indicates a 2.5% increase compared to a few months ago when the party was polling at 17%.

Similar fluctuations seem to affect other political forces as well.
The Democratic Party, for example, is down 1.3% from the European elections, with Alliance Greens-Left also experiencing a decrease in support.

A paradox emerges as both PD and Avs exceeded expectations in the European elections, yet the current poll suggests a significant decline for Carlo Calenda’s Action party, which is now polling below the 2% threshold.

Shifting to the opposition, the survey indicates that both Italia Viva and +Europa are below the threshold, raising questions about the future of the moderates who may soon join forces.

Turning to the parties forming the current government majority, the latest Ipsos poll does not seem favorable to Giorgia Meloni.
Despite a noticeable drop, Brothers of Italy still remains the largest party in the country.

Matteo Salvini also fares poorly, with the only consolation for the League being a lead over Forza Italia, which has lost almost half a percentage point.

Overall, the center-right bloc is down 1.3%, but this decline does not seem to prevent the coalition from emerging victorious in potential elections, especially given the fragmentation and weakness of the opposition forces.

In parallel, Ipsos also conducted surveys regarding the approval ratings for the government and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
Despite the decrease in voting intentions, both indicators show an increase.

Compared to the end of May, confidence in the government has risen from 43% to 44%, while approval ratings for Prime Minister Meloni have increased from 44% to 45%.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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