Assegno d'inclusione

Inclusion Allowance: Why This Month’s Payment is Reduced?


Understanding the Inclusion Allowance Amounts

The amount of the Inclusion Allowance is not fixed each month and can change based on various factors that may lead to a recalculation of the allowance.
If your recent payment was lower than expected, this guide will shed light on potential reasons for this decrease, helping you identify any calculation errors.

How the Inclusion Allowance is Calculated

Similar to the Citizenship Income, the Inclusion Allowance supplements the family income.
It is calculated based on the data from the ISEE, deducting any aid listed within it while adding benefits currently being received.
For instance, if a family member received Naspi in 2022 (which forms the base for the 2024 ISEE), it won’t be factored into the family income.
Conversely, if they are receiving it this year, it will count against them even if it’s not reported on the ISEE.

It’s critical to note that any employment after the ISEE reference period contributes to the family income, but only income exceeding €3,000 must be reported to INPS using the Adi-Com form to avoid penalties.

The family income is subtracted from a set threshold intended to be reached through the Inclusion Allowance, starting at €6,000 for single individuals, and increasing for larger families using an equivalence scale.

How and When the Inclusion Allowance Amount is Recalculated

Before processing the Inclusion Allowance, INPS evaluates the calculations and determines the amount for the family.
It’s essential to understand that this amount can fluctuate throughout the payment period.
Each month, prior to disbursing funds, INPS reviews and recalculates the family income for any significant changes.

INPS uses this formula based on the latest available data: (Maximum Adi Threshold – Family Income)/12 + Rent Reimbursement.

This recalculation process could reveal crucial updates later, leading to adjustments for overpayments or back payments if the recalculation is favorable.

Why You May Have Received Less This Month

Let’s address why you might have received a lower amount this month.
Reasons could include:

  • Recent receipt of a new income support measure by one or more family members, like Naspi or disability pension, resulting in a higher family income.
  • One or more family members have started a job, with presumed earnings above €3,000; only the amount exceeding this is considered.
  • A change in the equivalence scale; for instance, a child turning 2 years old could reduce the assigned value, potentially decreasing the allowance by €25.
  • Changes in family structure, such as a new birth, a member moving out, or a death, requires a new ISEE and can alter income or equivalence parameters.

Be cautious; significant changes may even result in exceeding income thresholds, causing the allowance to be terminated.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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