How to Submit Your Qualification Vote for the 2024/2026 Gps Question: Insights from Mim

How to Properly Include the Certification Score in the Gps 2024/2026 Application

As the deadline for the Gps 2024/2026 application approaches, many teachers are wondering how to correctly input the score of their recently obtained certification.
The Ministry of Education and Merit has provided further clarification through the publication of FAQ number 66.

The question, posed by several teachers in the process of completing or updating their applications for the provincial lists for substitute positions in the next biennium, specifically concerns the new 30 CFU enabling courses to enter the first band for their subject.

The deadline for submitting the Gps 2024/2026 application has been postponed to June 24th to allow teachers who are concluding their certification courses to place themselves in the first band.
This decision has sparked protests from some precarious teachers and specialized support teachers, especially regarding the allocation of the final score.

Let’s see how to correctly include the certification score in the Gps 2024/2026 application based on the Ministry’s FAQ.

Gps 2024/2026 Application: Ministry Responds on How to Include the Certification Score

The Ministry responds on how to include the certification score in the Gps application, as mentioned, in the very recent FAQ 66.
The question is as follows:

“I obtained my certification through the pathway outlined in the Decree of August 4, 2023, with a score of 7.5 out of 10.
According to the evaluation tables, in case of decimal scores, they should be rounded up if the decimal is equal to or greater than 0.50.
In this specific case, should I input 8/10 as the score to convert it to the corresponding percentage? However, in this scenario, the conversion would result in a higher score than what I should receive.”

The Ministry clarifies that the certification score to be entered is the original one and should not be approximated by the teacher.
The system automatically makes the right evaluations, assigning the correct score.
Additionally, the score should be entered with a period, not a comma.
The Ministry states:

“The score should be reported as actually obtained with reference to the base (for example, 8.5/10; 26.4/30) without any rounding, making sure to include a period before the decimal, instead of a comma; for scores expressed with a base other than one hundred, the system will calculate the conversion to percentages, applying the rounding of any decimals according to the rule specified in the evaluation table (‘Any fractions of scores are rounded up to the higher score only if equal to or greater than 0.50’).
If the conversion to percentages, without rounding, has already been performed by the applicant, there is no need to amend the application.”

Gps 2024/2026 Application: Last Minute Doubts Before the Deadline

The deadline for the Gps 2024/2026 application is approaching.
By 11:59 pm on Monday, June 24, 2024, teachers must proceed with the final modifications and the definitive submission of their applications.

After the deadline, it will no longer be possible to modify the application for the next two years, so it is advisable to address all doubts.

In this regard, it is possible to consult all the Ministry’s FAQs, including the one on the certification score, available on the official page dedicated to Gps 2024/2026.
Engaging in discussions with colleagues in a process of mutual assistance can also be beneficial to avoid errors.

By 11:59 pm on June 24th, those who have already submitted the Gps application can withdraw it, make modifications, and proceed with a new submission as long as the deadline is respected.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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