Carta dedicata a te

Discover if the dedicated card with a 500 euro bonus has been assigned to you

Discovering if you have been assigned the €500 bonus

The moment is approaching when Inps and Municipalities must identify the recipients of the “Carta Dedicata a te”, the €500 bonus card useful for grocery shopping, buying fuel, or alternatively, for public transportation subscriptions.

Known as the social card, the “Carta Dedicata a te” is assigned automatically, without the need to apply for it.
So how can you find out if the €500 bonus has been assigned to you or not?

Those who were lucky enough to be included in the list of beneficiaries last year already know the answer to this question, unlike those who meet the requirements only from 2024 onwards.

Selection Criteria for the 2024 Ranking

For the 2024 ranking, it will still take some time as Inps and Municipalities will start identifying the beneficiaries in the coming days.
The selection will consider only families with a valid Isee not exceeding €15,000, with at least 3 members, and who do not receive other income support (such as the Assegno di inclusione or the Carta acquisti).

A total of 1,330,000 cards are available, and the ranking is based on the number of cards assigned to each administration, considering both the number of residents and the economic situation of the territory.

Anticipated Timing and Publication of the Ranking

Curiosity is growing among those who meet all the necessary requirements to be entitled to the bonus and want to discover if the social card has been assigned to them.

When will this moment arrive, and where will the ranking be published (if it will be)? Let’s clarify a few weeks before the arrival of the economic support against rising prices.

Confirmation of the Assignment

Compared to last year, in 2024 the “Carta Dedicata a te” arrives a few weeks late, not around mid-July but in September.
By July 24, Inps will provide the list of eligible families to the Municipalities, ordered according to defined criteria.
By August 13, the Municipalities must return the ranking, either amended or confirmed based on needs.

Following this, Inps will finalize the lists within 30 days, sending the data to Poste Italiane for the card assignment process.
Municipalities may also make the rankings public for at least 30 days.

If you want to know if the €500 bonus has been assigned to you, visit your Municipality, ideally during the specified hours, and inquire about the ranking if it is not disclosed on the official website.

It’s essential to bring the notification message when picking up the card at the post office to facilitate the verification process and receive the social card with the assigned identification number.

Patiently waiting a few more weeks, the distribution of the “Carta Dedicata a te” will only start in September.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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