bonus economico

Diesel bonus 2024, applications open from 1 April. Here's what they look like

For the diesel bonus, with the reimbursement of the amount spent in the first quarter of 2024, applications will start from 1 April 2024.
The contribution recognized for the consumption of commercial diesel used for road transport.
The contribution for the first quarter of 2024, for diesel consumed by road transport companies, amounts to 214.18 euros for every thousand litres.
To receive the sum it is necessary to send the application to the Customs and Monopolies Agency in the time window from 1 to 30 April 2024.
The refund can be requested in cash or be used as compensation.
Let's see all the details.
Diesel bonus for hauliers, how do you apply? Diesel reimbursement for road hauliers at the start.
From next Monday, which also falls on Easter Monday, it is possible to submit an application to request the contribution for the amount spent on commercial diesel.
The terms and conditions for requesting it were illustrated by the Adm with Information 172030/RU of last March 20th.
The application can be submitted directly on the Agency's website following the path Excise duties – Energy products – Benefits for automotive diesel – 1st quarter 2024 diesel fuel benefits, through the software made available.
As an alternative to the electronic customs service, it is possible to present the declaration in paper form as long as it is reproduced on an information format such as a USB pen drive, CD-ROM or DVD to be presented together with the paper declaration.
In this case the declarations must be received from: for national companies: the Customs Office territorially competent with respect to the operational headquarters of the company or, in the case of multiple operational offices, the one competent with respect to the registered office of the company or the main the operational offices; for EU companies obliged to submit a tax return in Italy: the Customs Office territorially competent for the company's representative office; in order to facilitate the identification of the territorially competent Customs Office for receiving the declaration, please refer to the list published at the following link: customs-offices-customs; for EU businesses not obliged to submit a tax return in Italy, each EU trader identifies the Customs Office to which to send the refund declaration based on the Member State to which they belong; In the application it must be indicated whether you intend to benefit from the monetary refund of the contribution (in this case the indication of the Bic and Iban codes is required) or whether to use it through compensation in the F24 form using the tax code 6740.
Who can request the diesel refund ? As has already happened in the past, subjects engaged in: goods transport activities with vehicles with a maximum total mass equal to or greater than 7.5 tonnes, carried out by: natural or legal persons registered in the national register of hauliers can benefit from the relief of things on behalf of third parties; natural or legal persons with a license to operate the road transport of goods on their own account and registered in the specifically established list; companies established in other Member States of the European Union, in possession of the requirements established by the European Union regulations for the exercise of the profession of road freight transporter.
the passenger transport activity carried out by: public bodies or local public companies carrying out the transport activity referred to in Legislative Decree 19 November 1997, n.
422, and the related regional implementation laws; interregional car service companies under state jurisdiction pursuant to Legislative Decree 21 November 2005, n.
285; companies operating car services with regional and local jurisdiction referred to in the aforementioned Legislative Decree no.
422 of 1997; companies operating regular car services within the Community as per Regulation (EC) no.
1073/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009.
the activity of transporting people carried out by public bodies or companies operating cable transport in public service.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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