
Bills, how to return to the protected market

Until next June 30th it will still be possible to move from the free market to the protected one and this must happen quickly and with maximum transparency.
This was confirmed by the Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment in a recommendation sent in recent days to all operators involved in the energy market.
Until the free market obligation comes into force for almost all users, i.e.
next July 1st, those who are currently in the free market will be able to switch to the protected one.
Starting from July 1st, those who remained in the protected market will enter a "gradual protection" regime where customers will be accompanied to the transition with a PLACET tariff.
For so-called vulnerable customers, the obligation to switch to the free market will not exist.
Arera's requests to operators Arera clarified in the document that the transition from the free market to the protected one must take place quickly and with maximum transparency.
It asked operators to update information about the service on the company's contact channels, including the website.
Also on the site and possibly on the home page, operators are asked to give due emphasis to the possibility and methods with which domestic customers can adopt this solution.
The documents necessary to make the transition must also be made available through the contact channels.
The transmission of this documentation must be facilitated.
In essence, operators will have to make the transition as easy as possible.
And they will have to do it in a short time too.
This is requested by Arera itself, which invites operators to «limit as much as possible the times between the date of receipt of the request formulated by the end customer aimed at signing the contract and the date of sending the necessary data to the Integrated Information System (SII).
for activation also taking into account, where exercised, any waiver by the end customer of the right to reconsider".
How to move to the protected market If you are in the free market and want to move to the protected market, at least until next July, what you will have to do is stipulate a new contract with the operator who manages the service in the desired location.
The request must be made by completing the appropriate form that can be downloaded from the provider company's website.
When signing the contract, in addition to the customer's data and the Pod number, tax and cadastral data of the property relating to the user who wants to transfer will be requested.
If you don't know which operator operates in our area, you can do a search on the Arera website from the «Operator search» page, entering the Region, the Province and the Municipality.
read also Free energy market, price comparison: the guide In the protected market the price is decided by Arera on the basis of the prices of the raw material on the main reference markets.
In the free market, operators decide the price following the classic market game of supply and demand.
From July all users will have to switch to the free market.
Those who do not do so in time will enter a gradual protection regime and will be accompanied to the transition.
Those who are vulnerable users can decide whether to remain in the protected market or move to the free one.
read also Mandatory free market also for vulnerable customers, here's who is at risk

Author: Hermes A.I.

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