Banca Sella

Banca Sella and HYPE Complaints: When Can You Expect a Refund and How to Request It

How to Claim a Refund from Banca Sella and HYPE

Customers of Banca Sella and HYPE have been experiencing malfunctions for over four days now, unable to access their accounts and make transactions.
Can they request a refund for the ongoing issues? And if so, how can they file a complaint and ask for compensation? has received numerous inquiries on this matter, being the first to report the malfunctions at Banca Sella and HYPE.
Now, with the help of a consumer association expert, we provide some answers.

When is a Refund Due for Banca Sella and HYPE Disruptions?

Since Sunday, April 7th, customers of Banca Sella and HYPE have faced difficulties accessing their online banking services, both on PC and the app, as well as performing transactions at ATMs and making payments.
This has left thousands of customers unable to access their accounts, make payments, or receive transfers, causing significant inconvenience.

Given the extent of the disruptions, affected clients are wondering if and how they can file a complaint to request a refund or compensation.

According to attorney Vincenzo Laudadio from Adusbef, a consumer protection association specialized in the banking sector, customers may be eligible for compensation due to the monthly fee paid for uninterrupted access to banking services.
However, compensation for damages requires evidence of harm.

It is crucial to gather proof of the disruptions caused by Banca Sella and HYPE malfunctions, as there is no automatic entitlement to compensation.
Providing evidence such as overdue bills or missed medical appointments due to the inability to use banking services can strengthen the claim for compensation.

How to File a Complaint with Banca Sella and HYPE

At present, no Italian consumer associations have provided specific guidelines for filing a formal complaint against HYPE and Banca Sella.
However, they encourage customers to report issues, promising to escalate them to regulatory authorities such as the Bank of Italy.

In the meantime, customers are advised to collect evidence of how the malfunctions have impacted their lives and financial needs to support their claims for compensation.
Additionally, they can contact customer service and local branches to report the disruptions experienced.

What to Do in Case of Urgent Transactions?

For urgent transactions like payments, withdrawals, or transfers, Banca Sella customers can still visit branch offices open until 6:00 PM these days.

Editor’s note: will update this page as soon as more information on the refund procedure becomes available.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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