
Architect reveals how to cool down your home without air conditioning – and it’s free

Maintaining a Cool Home Without Air Conditioning

As summer approaches, keeping the house cool becomes a top priority.
However, not everyone can afford air conditioning.
Fortunately, there are simple and affordable methods to cool the house without using the air conditioner and spending a fortune on bills.

Expert Architect Tips

Let’s explore some advice from an expert architect on how to handle the summer heat without air conditioning.
Discover how to enjoy a pleasant night’s rest according to a famous architect who shared tips on TikTok.

Humidify the Rooms

One of the simplest and most effective methods to reduce heat in the house is by humidifying the rooms.
This can be done by spraying some water in the room before going to sleep.
Using a fan to circulate this humid air also helps create a sense of freshness.

Leonard Rogel, an experienced architect, suggests this in his video that has garnered over 2.1 million views.
Rogel points out that the main issue with fans is that they simply move the air without cooling it.
To counteract this, he recommends humidifying the air in the room with a spray bottle.

Wet Towel Trick

Another trick is to wet a towel and place it behind a fan.
This allows the water to evaporate, cooling the surrounding air.
This method is particularly useful during hot nights as it significantly improves comfort without resorting to air conditioning.

“The evaporating water cools the air around the towel, air that will be sucked in by the fan and pushed towards you,” explains TikToker and architect Leonard Rogel.

Window Fan

The architect suggests another trick to enhance the efficiency of the fan on hot nights, which is simply to place it by the window.
This way, the fan will draw in fresh air from outside and push it inside, helping to lower the room temperature.
This trick is simple and cost-effective.

“I know it’s not an air conditioner, but with this weather, every degree counts, and above all, this trick is free,” concluded Rogel.

Significance of These Tips

In summary, dealing with summer heat without air conditioning is possible with simple adjustments and good architectural design.
Humidifying the rooms and using wet towels, along with adequate insulation, can transform your home into a cool and comfortable refuge at zero cost.

These tips become crucial with the frequent heatwaves in Italy.
Humidification techniques like these improve home comfort.
Adopting these methods not only enhances comfort but also contributes to energy savings and environmental conservation.

In the context of a climate emergency, adopting sustainable methods to cool the house helps reduce environmental impact and better manage energy resources.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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