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2024 Universal Allowance Increases: All Scheduled Additions and How to Apply


Understanding the Universal Child Benefit Increases

The Universal Child Benefit for dependent children comprises a fixed amount plus various increases.
Some of these are automatically recognized at the time of application, while others require a separate request.

When discussing “increases” to the Child Benefit, it generally refers to the additional amounts applied to the base rate for those meeting specific criteria, applicable only as long as those conditions persist.
Therefore, an increase might be granted after the benefit is initially granted and could also cease after a certain period.

Hence, the amount of the Universal Child Benefit for dependent children can fluctuate, leading to potential variations each month.
Let’s explore the current increases applicable to the Universal Child Benefit, their values, and how to apply for them.

Increased Benefits for Younger Children

As per the 2023 Budget Law, a structural increase was introduced for the Universal Child Benefit awarded for children under 1 year old, and for families with at least three children under 3, with an ISEE not exceeding 40,000 euros.
In such cases, families are entitled to a 50% increase over the base amount.

The maximum base value being 199.40 euros, this could rise to 299.10 euros monthly.
This increase is automatically applied based on ISEE data, meaning no further application is needed after the child’s birth.
It is vital to submit a new ISEE within 120 days of the birth.

Benefits for Additional Children

An automatic increase is also available for children born after the second child, depending on ISEE values, ranging from 96.90 euros for those with an ISEE below 17,090.61 euros to 17.10 euros when exceeding 45,574.96 euros.
It applies to each child beyond the second and is recognized at the birth of the third child upon ISEE update.

Support for Larger Families

For families with four or more dependent children, a flat rate increase of 150 euros per month is available, independent of ISEE.
This increase is also automatically processed once the ISEE update confirms four dependent children.

Young Mothers and Additional Financial Support

Another automatic increase pertains to mothers under 21 years, valued at 22.80 euros per child in 2024, ceasing once the mother turns 21.
On the contrary, if both parents earn income, a maximum increase of 34.10 euros is granted, decreasing with higher ISEE values.

Special Provisions for Children with Disabilities

Additional increases apply for children with disabilities but must be reported on the application indicating the disability’s severity.
For disabled children, the increases range from 119.60 euros for non-self-sufficient minors to 91.20 euros for those aged 18-20.
It’s essential to declare the disability at the time of application to receive these increases.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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