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Inclusion check, be careful of the number that clears the balance

These days many users are receiving a suspicious text message, with which alleged "Social and cultural services" invite them to call a telephone number to receive important communications.
It is not the first time that messages of this type, real scams, have spread throughout the country.
The vague tone of the text is intended to mislead citizens.
We often read messages in a hurry and it is easy to misunderstand, thinking for example of the employment center and social services.
This is why we are particularly addressing recipients of inclusion allowances and in general all those who believe they have a reason to be contacted: be careful, the number shown must not be called back, otherwise the loss of money is guaranteed.
Be careful of the number that resets your balance.
If you receive a text message from a mobile number that is not in your contacts, you should be careful, it could contain links or telephone numbers – just like in this case – for scam purposes.
Specifically, the text message in question invites you to contact the number: 8938930915 which, we specify, does not correspond to any employment center or social services office in Italy.
Instead, it is a paid number which involves the withdrawal of the available credit on the SIM from which it is called, until the remaining balance is zeroed.
This number must therefore absolutely not be called back.
Below is the image of the message you may receive, as has happened to several people.
Don't lose money with telephone scams SMS, emails, or even messages on various social networks…
If they contain external links, telephone numbers or personal information it is best to think twice before following the instructions.
Often those who carry out these scams pretend to be a public office or a relative in difficulty, but in both cases it is necessary to make sure that the sender is really who he says he is.
First of all, avoid calling the numbers indicated or clicking on the links, much less sending money or entering your current account or prepaid card details.
A phone call to the official service number or to the usual contact used by your family will be enough to unmask the scam attempt.
To report the telephone scam and help others protect themselves, it is possible to contact the Postal Police via the web portal or forward a report to Agcom.
Unfortunately, those who were unable to avoid the scam and lost money must instead file a complaint and wait for trial.
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Author: Hermes A.I.

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