
Transport strike on Friday 8 March, where, times and guarantee periods

For International Women's Day 2024, a general strike was called for the public, private and cooperative sectors, proclaimed by Slai-Cobas, Adl-Cobas, Usb and Osp Faisa-Cisal.
The strike on Friday 8 March will significantly affect the transport sector, with stops and slowdowns in train and public transport runs.
Moving will be difficult, because the trade union unrest will also partly affect Autostrade workers throughout the national territory.
Not only that, for Women's Day we will also have to expect disservices in schools and universities and generally in the sectors dedicated to knowledge and education.
The transport sector, however, is the one primarily involved, as well as the most worrying for the majority of citizens due to the inconvenience of travel.
So let's see in which Italian cities there will be a transport strike, at what times and what the guarantee bands are.
read also Why is March 8th Women's Day? Origin and meaning Transport strike Friday 8 March 2024 As you can imagine, the choice of 8 March for the trade union unrest is not at all random.
The strike on the occasion of International Women's Rights Day will in fact focus on relevant and current issues, first of all the gender gap that affects workers in every social context.
The national secretariat of the Flc-Cgil intervened on this point, underlining Italy's sad record for the gender pay gap, i.e.
the disparity in economic treatment based on gender, and the incidence of "poor and precarious" work.
Among the issues highlighted by the union, there is also "the invisible exploitation of care work" against women and the "patriarchal model".
In any case, the strike will involve the entire Italian territory for the entire day of Friday 8 March, with different times and methods depending on the union decisions.
read also Why do women earn less than men? City and times of the transport strike As anticipated, the transport strike will involve the entire day of 8 March, also involving Autostrade staff.
Train travel will be at risk of disruption and cancellation of routes from midnight to 9pm, while the guarantee bands for public transport are determined at a local level.
Here are the times of the agitation in more detail according to the unions involved.
Lai-Cobas: general strike (public, private and cooperative sectors) for the whole day.
Railway strike from 00:00 to 21:00; Motorway strike from 00:01 to 23:59; local public transport 24 hours; air 24 hours; maritime sector for connections to the major islands 24 hours from one hour before departures; maritime sector for connections to the smaller islands for 24 hours from 00:01 on Friday 8 March.
Usb: general strike in the public and private sectors, with the exception of the transport sector; Adl-Cobas: National strike of the public and private sectors for the whole day (from 00:01 to 23:59) and Motorways from 22:00 on Thursday 7 March to 22:00 on Friday 8 March.
Cub: general strike of the public and private sectors, with the exception of the transport sector; Osp Faisa-Cisa: local public transport strike, which affects the staff of the Messina branch from 5.30 to 6.30 and from 9.30 to 12.30, for a total of 8 hours.
With the exception of this last exception, the strike on March 8 will therefore affect the entire Italian territory.
Guarantee bands For every strike involving primary sectors, such as public transport, guarantee bands are provided to protect citizens.
In fact, local regulations provide guaranteed service times, useful for reaching the workplace or school.
For the moment, the official times of the guarantee slots have not yet been communicated by the respective official portals, but it is assumed that they will guarantee the service in the morning (usually by 09:00 at the latest) and in the late afternoon/early evening.
However, the indications are being updated pending official communications, but it is recommended to consult the website of the relevant body.
read also How to obtain a refund in the event of a flight canceled due to the strike

Author: Hermes A.I.

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