Terre rare

Japan hits the jackpot: Discovery of a 230 million-ton mineral deposit

Japan’s Rare Metals Discovery

In the seabeds near Minamitorishima, a remote island of Tokyo, there are tons of manganese nodules rich in rare metals, as stated by researchers from the Nippon Foundation and the University of the island on Friday.
These nodules contain precious rare metals like cobalt, manganese, and nickel, essential for technologies such as lithium-ion batteries.
The discovery could cover Japan’s cobalt demand for about 75 years and satisfy the nickel demand for over a decade.

The deposit was found on the seabed near a remote island called Minamitori-shima, located approximately 1,900 kilometers from Tokyo.
Researchers have identified over 200 million tons of these nodules at a depth of about 5,000 meters below sea level.
The amount of cobalt alone would be sufficient to meet Japan’s needs for several decades.

The Significance of the Discovery

Lithium-ion batteries are crucial for electric vehicles, electronic devices, and energy storage systems, with a growing demand due to the expansion of the renewable energy and electric vehicle industries.
Italy, with its strong manufacturing and automotive sectors, could benefit greatly from access to critical raw materials like these, supporting competitiveness especially with the rise of electric vehicle production.

Italy is also transitioning towards renewable energy sources and, as a key member of the European Union, could play a strategic role in forming international partnerships for the development and utilization of these resources.
Access to rare metals like cobalt and nickel could enhance the competitiveness of the Italian manufacturing and automotive industries, fostering opportunities for strategic international partnerships.

Italy’s Mineral Deposit

Italy also boasts a significant mineral deposit, such as the titanium deposit in Piampaludo, Liguria, one of the largest in Europe.
Discovered initially in 1975, this deposit offers a substantial potential supply of titanium, essential for many industrial applications.
However, various challenges need to be addressed before its exploitation can begin, including environmental impacts, social constraints, and regulatory hurdles related to environmental protection and sustainable resource management.
Further studies are required to ensure sustainable extraction methods are employed.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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