How much tax do you pay on the house?

How much tax do you pay on the house? One might naively think that once a property has been purchased the only tax due is the IMU which, among other things, is not paid on the main residence.
Things are not exactly like this, given that in some cases, Irpef is also paid on the cadastral income of the properties, if the house is rented to third parties, taxes must be paid on the rental fees (with flat rate tax with separate taxation or with ordinary taxation).
And it doesn't end here, given the innovations introduced by the 2024 Budget Law on renovated properties with the 110% Superbonus.
Without considering any tax due on the capital gain if you decide to resell the property before a certain period has elapsed.
The properties, regardless of whether they are occupied or not, are also subject to the Tari without taking into account the taxes required at the time of purchase.
Let's see how many and what taxes are paid on the house in this guide article.
How much tax do you pay on the house? The taxes that are paid when purchasing a house Taxes on the house for those who already own it In which cases is Irpef also paid on the cadastral income of the house? Taxation on rental homes Taxes on the sale of the house The taxes that are paid when purchasing the house Let's start from the beginning, that is, from the moment in which you decide to buy a property, because that is precisely the moment in which you start paying taxes on the house.
In the sale of properties the buyer is required to pay the first taxes, namely: cadastral tax; mortgage tax; VAT; registration tax.
VAT, which has different rates based on the type of property, applies only if you purchase directly from the manufacturer, if the latter applies it.
The different rates to consider are: 4% if it is a first home; 10% for all houses subsequent to the first; to 22% for luxury homes.
If, however, you purchase the property from a private individual or from a seller who is not subject to VAT, instead of the value added tax, you are required to pay the registration tax which is: 2% for the first homes; at 9% for houses subsequent to the first.
The cadastral tax, however, varies from 50 to 200 euros based on whether the property is purchased from a private seller, a business or a construction company.
Finally, the mortgage tax follows the same logic as the cadastral tax and its same amounts.
For the purchase of a first home, therefore, you will have to pay 4% VAT or the registration tax equal to 200 euros or 2% of the value of the property to which add 50 to 200 euros of cadastral tax and mortgage tax.
For the purchase of a house subsequent to the first, however, you will have to pay: 10% or 22% VAT if you purchase from a construction company or, alternatively, the registration tax of 200 euros or 2% or 9% of the value of the property to which add 50 to 200 euros of land registry tax and mortgage tax.
read also First home bonus 2023: how does the purchase work? Guide to requirements and benefits Taxes on the house for those who already own it The only tax that applies without distinction to any type of property is the Tari.
It is not always those who own the properties who pay it, but those who use them.
There are no exemptions for the first home but there are some exemptions such as, for example, that for unusable properties.
However, reductions are contemplated, which vary according to the Municipality, for families consisting of a single person or for properties that are used seasonally, for example.
The amount of the Tari, which we remind you is a municipal tax, varies according to the rates approved by the Municipality, just as the deadlines for payments also vary.
read also Tari Bonus for those with a low ISEE, how does it work? The other tax due for properties is Imu.
The own (or single) municipal tax has a variable amount based on the characteristics of the house and the municipality of residence.
A total exemption from payment is provided for the main residence and its appurtenances (provided that the property does not fall into the luxury categories).
The IMU, in general, is paid from the second house onwards (even on the first if it is registered as a luxury property), for agricultural land, for building areas and for the appurtenances of properties that are not used as a main residence .
In which cases is Irpef also paid on the cadastral income of the house? The introduction of the IMU has tightened the taxation on second homes although, in most cases, it has replaced the Irpef and its surcharges.
However, in the event that a taxpayer has two houses in the same municipality, one of which is used as a first home, the cadastral income of the second house will contribute to the formation of the Irpef taxable income for 50% of its value.
The taxation of second homes located in the same municipality as the first home will be given by the calculation carried out, during the tax return, on half of the cadastral income of the property.
If the second home, however, is located in a different municipality, it is not subject to Irpef taxation.
read also Uninhabited house, does it generate income? Taxation on rented houses Taxation is also expected for those who own more than one house and decide to rent it out.
In this case, however, taxes are paid on the income produced by renting the house (on the annual rental payments).
At the taxpayer's choice, taxation can be: ordinary and in this case the rental payments received are subject to Irpef contributing to the formation of taxable income; with flat rate tax and in this case you will pay 10% or 20% with separate taxation (depending on where the property is located).
For those who decide, however, to rent the property with so-called short-term rentals (contracts lasting less than 30 days), the taxation with flat rate tax rises, in 2024, from 21% to 26%.
Taxes on the sale of a house A property requires taxation at every stage of ownership.
From purchase to sale, in some cases.
If you buy a property and decide to resell it before five years have passed from the sale, whoever sells it will also see the capital gain taxed.
What is it about? The capital gain is the difference between the sale price and the purchase price (only if it is sold before 5 years have passed from the purchase) and therefore represents the profit that the owner derives from the operation.
In this case you can opt for ordinary taxation or substitute taxation which is equal to 26% of the profit (only on the capital gain and not on the entire sale amount).
Furthermore, the 2024 Budget Law provides that the capital gain on sales is taxed even if the property is sold five years after purchase, but if it has been renovated with a 110% Superbonus within 5 years of the completion of the works.
Also in this case the increased value of the property is taxed at 26%.
read also The 110% superbonus increases house taxes


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