Supporto per la formazione e il lavoro

Inclusion Allowance: Maximum Amount in 2024 (and Comparison with Universal Basic Income)


The Inclusion Allowance is an economic support allocated based on income and the number (and type) of family members.
On average, families currently receive around 620 euros per month as Inclusion Allowance, but the maximum amount could be much higher.

Criteria for Calculating the Inclusion Allowance

When establishing the criteria for calculating the Inclusion Allowance, the legislator set both a minimum and a maximum limit.
Interestingly, the maximum amount can be higher than what could be awarded under the Citizenship Income program.
Moreover, the Inclusion Allowance can be complemented by other measures.
For instance, minors and occupiable adults may receive additional support separately, enhancing the overall financial aid for a family.

Comparison with the Citizenship Income

Comparing the maximum amounts of the Citizenship Income with the Inclusion Allowance reveals that, in some cases, the latter can offer a higher sum.
Under the Citizenship Income program, the maximum amount obtainable was 1,050 euros per month, or 1,100 euros for households with people with disabilities.
However, the introduction of the Inclusion Allowance brought some modifications, including stricter criteria but higher maximum values.

Maximum Amount and Eligibility for Inclusion Allowance

The Inclusion Allowance calculations are more intricate, considering different factors for each family member.
Despite the more restrictive criteria, the maximum value has increased under the Inclusion Allowance.
For families with disabled members, the allowance can reach up to 1,150 euros per month.

Increasing the Inclusion Allowance

To enhance the Inclusion Allowance, eligible family members can also benefit from the Support for Training and Work program, receiving an additional 350 euros per month for a year.
This supplementary income is fully compatible with the Inclusion Allowance, offering a comprehensive support package.

In conclusion, the transition from the Citizenship Income to the Inclusion Allowance has reshaped the financial landscape for many families, potentially increasing their monthly income significantly for a limited period of time.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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