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Btp out of ISEE but not for these bonuses, families made fun of?

The innovation introduced by the 2024 Budget law regarding the exclusion from the ISEE of investments in Italian government bonds – as well as financial products for the collection of savings with repayment obligation assisted by the State guarantee – will not apply to some bonuses.
This is foreseen in the draft of the Pnrr decree which is expected in the Council of Ministers today, Monday 26 February 2024, with which the government has decided to partially review the rule which excludes up to 50 thousand euros of investments from movable assets for ISEE purposes.
An innovation that was welcomed with enthusiasm by families, many of whom were encouraged to invest their savings to ensure a lower ISEE and the consequent right to a greater number of benefits, which however is experiencing more than one hitch.
In recent weeks, for example, the INPS has clarified that although this innovation takes effect from 2024, it is currently not yet possible to exclude investments in government bonds (such as BTPs and BOTs) and other financial products (such as of tax savings).
As specified in INPS message no.
165 of 12 January, in fact, this exclusion is not immediate as it is subject to the approval of the changes to the regulation governing the ISEE (Dpcm no.
159 of 2013).
Change that is coming, but not for everyone: differently from what was anticipated, the aforementioned investments will still be taken into account for the purposes of verifying the requirements for access to the Inclusion Allowance (Adi) and Support for training and work (Sfl).
BTP and other investments outside the ISEE, because it doesn't apply to ADI and SFL Good news for those hoping for a reduction in the ISEE thanks to the exclusion of the aforementioned investments: the long-awaited change to the regulation is arriving so as to make the innovation operational introduced in the 2024 Budget Law.
However, in the Pnrr decree which will be approved in these hours by the Council of Ministers it is clarified that the exclusion will not apply to the Inclusion Allowance, the measure that has taken the place of the Citizenship Income, nor to the Support for training and work, the bonus of 350 euros per month that is due to the unemployed.
As stated in the draft provision, this exclusion is necessary in order to allow only the most vulnerable categories to access the aforementioned instruments, excluding families who, although with a low income, have invested assets that could be sufficient to live without having to burden the coffers.
Has the government made fun of families? It must be said that the consideration made by the government is reasonable: after all, the Inclusion Allowance, as well as the Support for training and work, are measures designed for those families and people who find themselves in a profound economic situation of difficulty.
It is therefore necessary for the ISEE – which already has the disadvantage of looking at the income and asset situation updated two years earlier – to accurately photograph the reality of the facts, without unjustified exclusions such as that which would concern investments.
However, we ask ourselves: why specify it only now? It is true that a family that potentially falls within the group of potential recipients of the Inclusion Allowance and Work Training Support rarely has assets that can be invested, but let's think about those few who instead find themselves in this situation.
Even if they were small in number, having learned of such a possibility they may have invested a small treasure in the hope of being able to be among the beneficiaries of one of the aforementioned measures, only to discover only later that it was all in vain.
Movable assets limit for Inclusion Allowance and SFL We remind you that both for the Inclusion Allowance and for the Support for training and work it is necessary that the movable assets – which at this point will also take into account the invested savings – must not exceed the threshold of 6 thousand euros.
This limit can be increased by 2 thousand euros for each member of the family unit following the first, up to a maximum of 10 thousand euros.
Furthermore, there is a further increase of 1,000 euros for each minor after the second; and again, for each member with a disability, 5 thousand euros are added, 7,500 euros if the disability is serious (or in any case in the case of non-self-sufficiency).
Therefore, if a single person has, for example, an income equal to zero but 7 thousand euros in their current account, they will still not be able to access the measure.
And if previously one could have thought of investing them, for example by purchasing BTPs, to stay below the limit, with the innovation expected in the Pnrr decree this will not be the case.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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