Superbonus deduction, how much you need to earn to get it all

The superbonus deduction depends on the tax capacity and the taxpayer is not always able to have it all.
When is it necessary to earn in order not to risk losing part of the benefit? This is a doubt that haunts all those who have had to face the expense of super bonus works after the Meloni government's decision to say enough to the transfer of credit and the discount on the invoice for building bonuses.
The change made to the use of discounts deriving from building interventions means that the only way to enjoy them becomes the tax deduction when filing the tax return which entails a discount on the IRPEF due.
This way of enjoying the discount, however, involves a problem that did not arise with the transfer of the credit, namely the tax capacity.
The taxpayer who does not earn above a certain income, in fact, risks losing part of the relief due because he does not have enough tax from which to subtract it.
The problem becomes much more evident when we talk about super bonuses for two distinct reasons: the jobs usually involve higher expenses given that to benefit from them it is necessary to earn two energy classes; the deduction, by law, must be spread over four annual installments of the same amount (and this makes the deduction itself much larger than the other construction bonuses which are amortized with ten-year deductions).
read also When and for whom credit transfer and invoice discount return with the Superbonus Does the Superbonus become a benefit only for the rich? While for 2024 the problem of the superbonus arises less, as the number of possible beneficiaries has been significantly reduced and above all because the deduction rate has fallen to 70%, in 2023 many taxpayers who have faced renovations by taking advantage of the superbonus have found themselves in the unpleasant situation of not being sure of having a tax that allowed you to receive a full annual refund (the part of the deduction exceeding the tax is lost due to fiscal incompetence).
It is not wrong, therefore, to say that, after the change made in February 2023, lower incomes have been significantly disadvantaged as they have much more difficulty in being entitled to the full superbonus deduction.
Which in fact became a sort of benefit that seemed intended only for the wealthiest.
Here a parenthesis must be opened, given that a non-repayable contribution was then set up for those who could not bear the difference in expenses between the rate reduced to 90% and the real burden to be paid.
Returning to the topic of tax capacity, however, let's try to better understand what it means and why we risk losing part of the deduction by doing some simulations.
Let's suppose that in 2023 we spent 146,600 euros on jobs with the 90% superbonus.
The deduction due would be approximately 132,000 euros which, spread over 4 years, would be equivalent to an annual deduction of approximately 33,000 euros.
But how much do you need to earn to pay 33,000 euros of Irpef and be able to afford a deduction of the same amount? You need to earn approximately 93,300 euros gross per year to be able to deduct 33,000 euros.
If the rate on the same expense is 70% (with the new 2024 super bonus) the deduction due is 102,600 euros which, spread over 4 years, would give the right to an annual deduction of 25,600 euros.
In this case, a gross income of around 80,000 euros would be needed to not lose even a cent of deduction.
Let's do some other simulations.
With an expense of 85,555 euros, for example, with the 90% superbonus there would be a total deduction of approximately 77,000 euros.
That is, an annual deduction of 19,250 euros.
To be able to absorb it entirely with Irpef, a gross earnings of 61,280 euros per year would be needed.
If the superbonus is 70%, however, the deduction due is 53,000 euros, equal to 13,475 euros.
To absorb it in full and not lose anything you would need a gross profit of at least 48,125 euros per year.
Let's take a lower deduction figure for example.
How much would an expense of 30,000 euros pay for? With the 90% superbonus there would be a deduction of 27,000 euros equal to 6,750 euros per year.
In this case a gross annual earnings of 28,500 would be sufficient.
With the 70% superbonus, however, there would be a total deduction of 21,000 euros.
Equal to an annual deduction of 5,250 euros which would be fully amortized with a gross income of 22,300 euros.
The lowest incomes will only be able to afford minor interventions.
It being understood that we are discussing whether to extend the deduction over 10 years also for the deductions due with the superbonus (which is currently only foreseen for expenses incurred during 2022), the fact remains that to benefit from a very high deduction you need a high taxable income.
For those with low incomes, in order to fully benefit from the benefit, it will be necessary to limit oneself to low-cost interventions that allow the deduction to be amortized based on the annual income.
read also Superbonus, do credit transfer and invoice discount return? Here's who for: the Meloni government's plan


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