Superbonus 110%

Enea 2024 Communication Strategy: How and Who Should Implement It

Everything You Need to Know About Enea Communication in 2024

Confirmed are the requirements and procedures for Enea communication in 2024, which is essential to benefit from tax deductions for construction works.
The telematic portal is active for new procedures from January 26, 2024.
It is the only platform through which you can complete the communication to the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development.

What is Enea Communication and When Should It Be Done?

Enea communication is crucial to obtain tax benefits related to energy efficiency, renovation, or seismic adaptation bonuses.
It is necessary to report the correct progress and completion of the works carried out according to current regulations, resulting in energy savings.

The communication is required for Ecobonus, Home Bonus, and Superbonus interventions by both private individuals and professionals conducting the work.
The deadline for completing and submitting the communication is 90 days from the end of the work or the inspection by an authorized technician.
For works carried out from January 1 to January 25, 2024, the deadline is April 25.
This is because the telematic portal is online only from January 26.

How to Complete the Enea Procedure?

To start the Enea communication procedure, simply register on the portal or log in as a registered user.
The declaration requires entering the necessary data and documents for the correct submission of the practice.

Depending on the type of intervention, documentation and required data may vary.
Generally, they should include beneficiary data, cadastral data of the property, a description of the intervention, technical data, invoices, conformity statements, and energy certification of the building.

Access and Registration to the Enea Portal for Communication

For first-time access, registration is required.
Individuals can register using SPID, while legal entities follow the old procedure with email and password.
Registered users can log in using SPID or email and password.

The Enea communication involves transmitting information about interventions eligible for tax deductions related to energy efficiency.
This includes Ecobonus, which must be communicated within 90 days of completion, as well as other qualifying interventions.

Communication delays can have consequences, but the possibility of regularization exists to avoid the loss of deductions.
It is crucial to meet the submission deadlines and follow the prescribed communication process.
Stay informed and compliant to benefit from the tax advantages provided for energy efficiency works.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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