Condominium expenses deductible from 730/2024, list and how to use them

I incurred condominium expenses during 2023, can I deduct them? What are the deductible condominium expenses? What documents do I need to obtain tax relief? Anyone who is part of a condominium knows that there are expenses to be borne for the management of the common areas, what many don't know is that some of these can be deducted when filing the tax return.
This implies that these sums allow for tax savings which can even be considerable.
Of course, not all condominium expenses are deductible.
Below we will therefore see the disbursements that those who support the costs of works in a condominium can deduct in 730/2024.
Condominium expenses deductible from 730/2024, what are they? What are the condominium expenses deductible in 730/2024? Deductions for renovations and safety bonuses Superbonuses and ecobonuses deductible among condominium expenses Green bonus Can the earthquake bonus be deducted in 730/2024? How to take advantage of deductible condominium expenses in the 730/2024 form What are the deductible condominium expenses in 730/2024? The condominium expenses that can be deducted are the same that any property owner can obtain, naturally in this case to determine the amount of the tax benefit that can be used, it will be necessary to take into consideration the thousandth quotas, but we will see below Briefly how the calculation is carried out, let's now see the deductible expenses in 730/2024.
In the event that the works are carried out on the single real estate unit and supported by the owner or by those who have a real right of enjoyment, it will be possible to make use of it independently in your tax return, however there are also expenses on the common parts that it is possible to bring into deduction.
Building renovation interventions; safety bonus; Ecobonus; Super bonus; green bonus; earthquake bonus; Deductions for renovations and safety bonuses The expenses that can be deducted in the 2024 tax return are those incurred in 2023.
It is therefore necessary to refer to the deductions in force in that year.
Among the interventions that can lead to tax savings are the expenses incurred for the renovation of the common parts of the condominium.
In this case we are talking about renovation bonuses.
We remind you that for the renovation bonus, as for other tax breaks linked to the renovation of properties, including ecobonus, seismabonus, etc., it is no longer possible to take advantage of the transfer of credit and the discount on the invoice.
All this starting from the "Block transfers" decree of February 2023.
Consequently, for expenses incurred after 17 February 2023 (entry into force of the block transfers decree) it is possible to obtain tax breaks in the 2024 tax return only with deductions from your Irpef tax with form 730/2024.
Building renovation works can obtain deductions of up to 50% of the expenses incurred and there are no particular conditions, in fact this bonus is not linked to energy efficiency.
However, there is a spending limit of 96,000 euros.
read also Renovation and work in apartments, what are the rules in condominiums? The security bonus has the same characteristics, i.e.
it allows you to deduct the expenses incurred to increase the security of a property.
It can be used to replace fixtures with models that have shatterproof glass, armored doors, video surveillance systems, alarm systems, safes.
Also in this case the deduction is 50%.
Naturally, the safety bonus can be used by condominiums only for expenses incurred on the common areas.
Superbonus and ecobonus deductible among condominium expenses The Superbonus in 2023 offered the possibility of deducting up to 90% of the expenses incurred.
We remind you that to obtain the tax advantages linked to the Superbonus it is necessary that the work carried out allows for the recovery of at least two energy classes.
Furthermore, only towed and hauled works can be deducted.
In the event that works aimed at energy efficiency are carried out, albeit without the recovery of two classes, on common parts of the condominium, for example replacement of fixtures, construction of the roof, or thermal insulation, it is possible to have the ecobonus.
This, based on the type of work carried out, allows you to obtain a percentage of deductions between 50% and 65%.
50% for fixtures, biomass and solar shading; 65% for the remaining types of expenses.
read also Heat pump bonus 2024 from 50% to 65%, here's how to take advantage of it Green bonus Among the condominium expenses that can be deducted, there is the green bonus, which allows you to obtain deductions for the arrangement of green areas, such as gardens and terraces.
Among the permitted deductions are the construction of fences, irrigation systems and wells.
It also covers design costs, gardening costs and the purchase of shrubs and plants.
It does not cover ordinary maintenance of green spaces.
The maximum deduction that can be obtained is equal to 36% of the expenses incurred on a maximum expense of 5,000 euros.
Can the earthquake bonus be deducted in 730/2024? Finally, there is the possibility of making use of the Sismabonus which allows you to take advantage of deductions for works aimed at making the property safer from a seismic point of view.
The earthquake bonus is recognized in a percentage that varies from 50% to 85% based on the seismic safety class recovered.
earthquake 50% bonus for interventions that do not bring seismic class improvements; earthquake bonus of 70% for interventions that bring improvements to a seismic class; earthquake bonus of 80% for interventions that bring improvements of two seismic classes.
For condominiums the percentage is increased by 5%.
read also Sismabonus 2023, guide to admitted jobs, beneficiaries and news How to make use of deductible condominium expenses in the 730/2024 form The deduction quotas for condominium expenses usable in 730/2024 are generally determined by the condominium administrator.
The same are calculated using the thousandth share of those entitled as reference.
We remind you that those who have incurred the expenses can benefit from the deductions, these can be owners, but also subjects who have real rights of enjoyment, such as usufructuaries, tenants and borrowers.
In the case of co-owned property, all owners will be able to take advantage of the deduction, but on the condition that it appears that they have contributed to the expenses.
The condominium administrator must pay attention to the tasks that fall on him, in fact, in order for condominiums to be able to take advantage of tax deductions, he must make a so-called tax deduction transfer, which must show: condominium tax code or VAT number ; reason for the payment.
The administrator must communicate to the Revenue Agency electronically: sheet of work carried out; shares due to each condominium owner.
In order to be able to take advantage of the deduction, the condominium owners will have to pay the due amounts and will thus receive the declaration drawn up by the administrator indicating the sums paid by each condominium owner.
The administrator must take care to keep all documentation for 10 years.
From a practical point of view, in order to take advantage of the deductions it is necessary to fill in panel E, section III of form 730/2024.
We remind you that, being Irpef deductions, the same ones mentioned in this article can also be used by those who use the Income model for the declaration.


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