Superbonus 110%

2025 Home Renovation Bonus: What Measures Remain for Renovation?

Changes in Home Bonuses in 2025

What changes are expected for home bonuses in 2025 and what measures remain for property renovation? Most tax breaks that allow for home renovations, in exchange for a deduction on the expenses incurred—an important deduction at a minimum of 50% as of today.

The current renovation bonus and eco-bonus are extensions of the original incentives that are confirmed in the Budget Law year after year.
While it cannot be ruled out that next year the bonuses will not be extended with the current deduction rates, the costs of the 89979 weigh on the State budget, prompting a decisive curtailing of tax breaks for building interventions.

2024 Home Bonuses Overview

In 2024, there are several measures that allow for a significant deduction on expenses incurred for renovations, efficiency improvements, and the upgrading of properties.
Below is an overview of all available bonuses until December 31, 2024:

  • Superbonus: 70% deduction, variable recovery depending on the intervention type over 10 years, for energy requalifications resulting in a two-class energy balance.
  • Renovation Bonus: 50% deduction, up to €96,000 recovery in 10 years, for building renovations, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, and heritage recovery.
  • Furniture Bonus: 50% deduction, up to €5,000 recovery in 10 years, for purchasing furniture and appliances for the renovated property in the previous year.
  • Ecobonus: From 50% to 65% deduction, variable recovery based on the intervention type over 10 years, for energy requalification, seismic risk adjustments, boiler replacements, or HVAC systems.
  • Architectural Barriers Bonus: 75% deduction, depends on the building type, for eliminating architectural barriers over 10 years.
  • Green Bonus: 36% deduction, up to €5,000 recovery in 10 years, for renewing green outdoor areas like gardens and terraces.

2025 Home Bonuses Forecast

For the upcoming year, several measures currently available for property renovation may worsen, with some even at risk of not being renewed.
The following table outlines the potential changes in 2025 for home bonuses:

  • Superbonus: 65% deduction, with a 5% decrease in the percentage rate, variable recovery based on the intervention type over 10 years for energy requalifications.
  • Renovation Bonus: 36% deduction, with a 14% decrease in the percentage rate, up to €96,000 recovery in 10 years for building renovations.
  • Furniture Bonus: 50% deduction, with a risk of non-renewal, up to €5,000 recovery in 10 years for furniture and appliance purchases.
  • Ecobonus: 36% deduction, with a 14%-29% decrease in the percentage rate, variable recovery based on the intervention type over 10 years for energy requalification.
  • Architectural Barriers Bonus: Unchanged at 75% deduction, depends on the building type, for eliminating architectural barriers over 10 years.
  • Green Bonus: 36% deduction, with a risk of non-renewal, up to €5,000 recovery in 10 years for renewing green outdoor areas.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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