The Top Italian Universities of 2024: Where It’s Worth Enrolling

The Best Universities in Italy in 2024

Choosing the right university is a crucial decision for thousands of students graduating from high school.
Before enrolling, it’s essential to consider various factors such as economic availability, study habits, favorite subjects, proximity to home, and more.

Many students aim to attend the best universities in Italy.
To address this question, rankings have been established to compare Italian universities based on different indicators, including the number of enrolled students.

The Top “Mega” Universities of 2024

According to Censis, the leading “mega-university” in Italy in 2024, with over 40,000 students, is the University of Padua, scoring 89.5 points.
Following closely are the University of Bologna and La Sapienza University of Rome.
On the other hand, the lowest-ranked “mega” universities are the University of Florence (82.3 points) and the University of Naples Federico II (73.5 points).

Other top universities include the University of Palermo, University of Milan, University of Pisa, University of Turin, and more.

The Best State “Grand” Universities of 2024

Among state universities with 20,000-40,000 students, the University of Calabria ranks first, followed by the University of Pavia and the University of Perugia.
Notable mentions include the University of Rome Tor Vergata and Roma Tre.

Other top universities in this category encompass a wide range of institutions across Italy.

The Top State “Medium” Universities of 2024

In the “medium” university category with 10,000-20,000 students, the University of Trento leads the ranking, trailed by the University of Udine and the University of Sassari.
This category showcases a diverse selection of universities across the country.

The Best “Small” Universities of 2024

For small state universities with up to 10,000 students, the University of Camerino maintains its top position, followed by the University of Tuscia and the University of Macerata.
The list continues with institutions like the University of Cassino, University of Teramo, and more.


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