
Minimum Score Requirement for Medical School Admission 2024: Implications for Lower Achievers

Introduction to the Medicine Admission Rankings 2024

Today, the Medicine Admission Rankings for the year 2024 have been published on Universitaly’s personal area, answering a common question among prospective students: what is the minimum score required to ensure enrollment in their chosen universities?

It’s important to note that the minimum score varies between universities.
In some cases, the requirements are higher, while in others, students may gain admission with lower scores.

Minimum Scores for University Admission

For instance, last year, the highest minimum score was needed for admission to the University of Milan-Bicocca’s Medicine program, which required a score of at least 67.21.
In contrast, the University of Messina allowed admission with a score of 57.65.

This year, however, due to the introduction of a new data bank, the minimum required score has increased compared to previous years.
Moreover, the national ranking’s publication indicates that the scores are even higher than initially expected.

Details of the 2024 Rankings

According to a preliminary analysis by, the effective minimum score for admission this year is around 78.6, notably more than the earlier forecast of scores between 76.9 and 78.1.

Therefore, students must achieve outstanding results to secure one of the 14,823 places available at public universities.
In the coming hours, we expect specific information regarding the minimum scores for each university, and we will keep you updated as soon as details emerge.

Understanding Your Status in the Rankings

Students who score below the minimum must remain patient and hopeful.
The published rankings reveal each candidate’s status, which may change in the days ahead.

Specifically, candidates marked as “assigned” have secured a place and now have four days to proceed with enrollment.
If they do not enroll within this timeframe, they will be considered as renouncing their position and excluded from the national ranking, unless they retake the test next year.

Options for “Reserved” Candidates

On the other hand, “reserved” candidates, those who did not make their first choice but still achieved a useful score, have a few options:

  • They can enroll immediately in the university where they have been accepted.
  • Alternatively, they may wait for subsequent rankings, remaining on the list to potentially secure a spot in a more preferred university without losing their current reserved position.

This second option must be communicated through the specific function on Universitaly’s personal area, with a five-day deadline to do so (excluding today).

What’s Next for Candidates with “No Places Available” Status

Those marked with the status “no places available” must continue to hold on to hope.
Their scores are currently insufficient for admission, but circumstances may change.

On September 18, the first reallocation of the rankings will take place, which could open up spots in some of the preferred universities.
If this happens, their status could change to “assigned” or “reserved,” allowing for enrollment, provided they adhere to the indicated timelines.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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