Stock picking

From €10,000 to €45,000 in 2 years: UniCredit stock investment yields 350% profit

From €10,000 to €45,000 in Just Two Years: Is It Achievable?

Is it possible to turn €10,000 into €45,000 in just two years? The investment in UniCredit stocks has yielded a remarkable 350% return, showcasing the potential for explosive gains in the stock market.
However, identifying stocks capable of such impressive performance is no easy task.

This outcome sparks important reflections on the effectiveness of investment strategies and risk management in the current economic landscape.
While investing in the stock market always carries risks, it can also offer substantial returns, as demonstrated by the UniCredit case.

UniCredit Stock Investment: A 350% Return

Following the volatile period after July 2022, UniCredit stocks experienced significant price fluctuations, underscoring the importance of careful investment selection and management in the banking sector.

With an investment of approximately €10,000 (specifically €9,993.20) in July 2022, one could have purchased 1,204 UniCredit stocks at a unit price of €8.30.
Today, those stocks are valued at €37.535 each.

This means that the initial 1,204 stocks are now worth €45,192 in total, generating a net profit of €35,198 and a return of over 350%.

This remarkable growth can be attributed to several key factors.
Firstly, the favorable monetary policies of the European Central Bank supported the banking sector, improving financing conditions.
Secondly, UniCredit implemented effective corporate strategies, including restructuring plans and cost reductions, which strengthened investor confidence.
Finally, the overall improvement in economic conditions in the euro area contributed to the growth of UniCredit stock value.

Investment Strategies Compared: Single Stock Focus vs.

Investing in individual stocks can yield spectacular gains, as demonstrated by the incredible performance of UniCredit stocks between 2022 and 2024.
However, this approach also carries significant risks.

During the critical period of 2018-2020, UniCredit and other banking stocks experienced heavy declines, putting investors who had concentrated their investments in a single sector to the test.

For example, investing €10,000 in UniCredit in April 2018 would have resulted in a 65% loss over the following two years.

To mitigate such risks, portfolio diversification has proven to be an effective strategy.

Diversification involves investing in a variety of assets across different sectors, thus reducing the impact of negative fluctuations on a single stock.

The following table illustrates how a diversified portfolio would have performed during the two periods considered:

[Insert table here]

This table highlights how portfolio diversification allowed for losses mitigation during the 2018-2020 period and still achieved significant gains in the 2022-2024 period, albeit lower compared to concentrated investments in individual stocks like UniCredit.

Diversification helps reduce overall risk, offering greater stability and protection against market turbulence.

For further insights, read about investing €10,000 in this BTP to earn a net of €905 every year.


The information and considerations contained in this article should not be used as the sole or primary basis for making investment decisions.
The reader maintains full freedom in their investment choices and full responsibility for executing them, as only they know their risk tolerance and time horizon.
The information in the article is provided for informational purposes only, and its disclosure does not constitute or should be considered an offer or solicitation to the public for savings.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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