
Top 10 Jobs Earning Over €2,000 Net per Month

How to Earn Over €2,000 Net per Month

If you aim to earn more than €2,000 net per month, it’s crucial to choose your job carefully.
While reaching this goal is not off-limits to anyone, some professions make it easier to surpass the €2,000 mark.

With commitment and dedication, by specializing in your field to make yourself more attractive and perhaps by putting in extra hours, you will certainly be able to exceed €2,000 net.

However, there are jobs where such a salary can be considered almost a minimum threshold, being granted even to workers with some experience in the role.
To ensure a salary higher than €2,000 net, you should aim for an annual gross salary of around €40,000.

Professions That Easily Lead to This Threshold

1) Doctors and Dentists

Graduating in medicine is one of the best solutions for those seeking a salary well above €2,000.
Today, a doctor employed by the National Health Service earns an average of €60,000 per year within the first 5 years of employment.
Similar figures apply to dentists as well.

While earning potentials are lower for other healthcare professionals such as nurses, it is still possible to earn salaries above €2,000 after several years of experience, especially for those with specializations or who work as private nurses.

2) Lawyers and Notaries

Holding a degree increases the chances of earning a salary equal to or above €2,000, as seen in legal professions.
For instance, a lawyer starts with an annual salary of around €30,000, which can rise above €40,000 with experience.
Notaries in Italy earn an average gross income close to €80,000.

3) Digital Professions

Being a computer programmer nowadays easily leads to earning over €2,000 net per month, whether as an employee or freelancer.
While a degree in computer engineering is beneficial, what truly matters are skills and experience.
This applies to other sought-after digital professions like Data Scientists, E-commerce Specialists, cybersecurity experts, and specialists in Artificial Intelligence.

4) Skilled Workers

Certain skilled workers such as welders, electricians, mechanics, and metal carpenters can earn over €2,000 per month by acquiring specific expertise highly demanded by companies operating sophisticated industrial plants.

5) Sales Representative

Earning €2,000 net per month as a salesperson is not automatic, but it becomes feasible with experience and demonstrated skills.
Remuneration varies based on the represented company’s turnover and commission rates.

6) Chef

The demand for chefs has increased, with salaries easily exceeding €2,000 in upscale establishments like 4-star hotels or renowned restaurants.
Even reaching €3,000 is achievable.
Waiters can also earn above €2,000 during peak seasons, especially when working double shifts.

7) Armed Forces and Police

Joining the Army or becoming a police officer allows for a salary exceeding €2,000, particularly for those with a degree placed in higher hierarchical positions.
Senior roles can lead to double the €2,000 threshold.

8) Public Sector Official

Graduates can explore public sector positions offering a stable salary of at least €2,000 net per month.
Various public administrations frequently seek officials for different offices to manage the country’s bureaucratic system.

9) Airline Pilot

Being a commercial airline pilot can also ensure earnings above €2,000 net per month, with top airlines offering salaries surpassing €3,000.
Flight attendants may find it less straightforward to reach such figures, depending on experience and employing company.

10) Bet on Yourself

Lastly, any job done well, with commitment and specific skills valued by companies, can lead you to your desired salary.
There are no limitations to achieving the €2,000 milestone; believe in yourself and strive for success.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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