
Earning While Walking: Apps That Pay You to Walk

Earning Money by Walking: The Future is Now

The idea of earning money by walking may sound like a sci-fi concept to anyone not yet familiar with the innovative solutions that mobile technology offers today.
However, it is a tangible reality thanks to a growing number of apps that reward users for their daily physical activities, especially walking.

The Most Promising Apps that Pay You to Walk

Exploring some of the most promising apps that reward users, from WeWard, offering incentives to explore new places, to Movecoin and Sweatcoin, which convert steps into exchangeable virtual currency.
We will also cover StepBet, an app that sets personalized fitness goals, Virtuoso that rewards users with discounts and products, and Runtopia, focused on long-term goals and fitness improvements.
With such a diverse landscape, these platforms provide various opportunities to earn money by walking, whether monetizing daily steps, earning rewards, or even supporting philanthropic goals, proving that making money by walking has never been so accessible and rewarding.

WeWard – Walking for Rewards

WeWard is a mobile app designed to incentivize users to walk more frequently by offering rewards for steps taken.
Steps are converted into ‘Ward’, the app’s internal currency.
Users can earn Ward for activities like walking, visiting specific locations, completing missions, and participating in surveys.
The app is automatically linked to Apple Health or Google Fit, depending on the operating system, making it user-friendly without draining the battery.

To start using WeWard, download the app, available for both Android and iOS, and register.
Then, activate the phone’s step counter to start earning Ward.
It is important to validate steps at the end of the day to ensure they are counted; otherwise, steps will not be recorded, and the count resets at midnight.

WeWard offers various rewards, from cash that can be transferred directly to the user’s bank account to discount vouchers and gift cards for specific stores.
Users can also convert Ward into donations for charities.
The thresholds for redeeming rewards vary, for example, 3,000 Ward can be exchanged for 15 euros.
By referring friends with a unique code, both the user and the friend receive bonus Ward.

Movecoin – Turning Physical Activities into Digital Currency

Movecoin is an Italian app that rewards users for physical activities like walking, running, and cycling.
Launched in 2015, this platform converts every kilometer traveled into Movecoin, a digital currency that can be used for various ecological and sustainable purposes.
The app supports environmental sustainability and promotes a healthy lifestyle, offering financial incentives for physical activities.

To start earning Movecoin, users need to download the app, available for both Android and iOS, and register.
Once the integrated step counter is activated, the app automatically detects the distance traveled, whether walking, cycling, or running, thanks to the smartphone’s sensors and GPS.
This allows users to accumulate Movecoin based on the kilometers covered.

The accumulated Movecoin can be used in various ways.
Users can use the virtual currency to purchase public services like bus tickets, pay local taxes, or convert Movecoin into euros on their credit card.
It is also possible to use Movecoin at partner stores or convert them into Ethereum through Smart Contracts, offering flexibility in using the credits earned.

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Author: Hermes A.I.

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